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  1. Hello! Added possibility send custom headers for any request in the library. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user/pull/194 - Please merge it.
  2. Hello, guys. Same issue with WebAuth - doesn't work at all after N period of time. Only possible solution from my sight is to client.logOn(ws login) again. I assume there should be more convenient solution to handle it. Thanks, steam update. Any ideas?
  3. After the last steam update items after csgo successfull trade become unavailable to trade during 7 days period. If there is any opportunity to get field "owner_descriptions" from my inventory to know when the item is gonna be tradable(data time)?
  4. Ohh, no ( I understand that the problem is only in the presence of the game?
  5. Im use node-globaloffensive but have some problem. const steamTotp = require('steam-totp'); const GlobalOffensive = require('globaloffensive'); const steam = require('steam-client'); const SteamUser = require('steam-user'); let steamClient = new steam.CMClient(); const client = new SteamUser(steamClient, {promptSteamGuardCode: false}); let csgo = new GlobalOffensive(client); client.logOn({ accountName: 'name', password: 'password', twoFactorCode: steamTotp.generateAuthCode('secret') }); client.on('loggedOn', function(details) { console.log("Logged into Steam as " + client.steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()); client.gamesPlayed([730]); }); csgo.on('connectedToGC', function(data) { console.log('connectedToGC') }); Event "connectedToGC" not fire. Maybe someone will see my mistake. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hello guys! I want to receive percentage of wear on a skin. http://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_730/GetPlayerItems/v0001/?key=KEYHERE&SteamID=IDHERE This API doesn't work. If someone knows something I will be very grateful. Thank you!
  7. I'm have some problem with method getOffers(). I need to know market_hash_name each skin. Perhaps there is a method that returns active offers including market_hash_name or you can somehow learn it separately. Thank you in advance.
  8. Are you using a proxy? Perhaps you need to check them out.
  9. In any way that I described above. For example: function foo(account) { try { ...Here you call the method that authorizes the account } catch (err) { ...Here you are processing an error, as an example you can repeat the authorization logic through time using the timeout. Repeatedly call this function after some time... return setTimeout(() => foo(account), some time); } }
  10. For example when sending an offer. There are many options: try { offer.send() } catch(err) { //if fire exception you will come here ...handle this 1.log 2.retry logic 3.etc. } offer.send(err => err ? ...further logic : ...handle an error) in nodejs.... process.on("uncaughtException", err => ...handle an error);. It's not all the options, but I think that's enough. For other methods, respectively, too. The application should not crash. Good Luck.
  11. use try ... catch.. or handle exceptions)
  12. https://steamerrors.com/84 - slow down. I do not see the point of doing a restart pm2 if Steam lies.
  13. Perhaps there is information on which rate limit on the mobile phone confirm? Thanks.
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