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  1. Thanks for the reply. I don't really understand what you said there... I'm not really a programmer so I don't really know the terminology. How do I 'iterate' the array? And how do I add gems from each stack? Thanks. --- EDIT So I've googled this a bit and found some codes and I tried to use those examples but its TOO CONFUSING, I don't understand how to do it... manager.getUserInventoryContents(steamID, 753, 6, true, function(err, inv) { if (err) { bot.chatMessage(steamID, "An error occurred while loading your inventory. Please try later"); }else{ if (ERR) { client.chatMessage(steamID, "An error occurred while loading your inventory. Please try later"); } else { var gemsAmount = 0; var botGems = []; for (var i = 0; i < inv.length; i++) { if (CONFIG.STEAMGEMS.indexOf(inv[i].market_hash_name) >= 0) { //Don't know what to put in 'CONFIG.STEAMGEMS', I just copy/pasted botgems = inv[i].amount; gemsAmount = INV[i].amount; inv[i].amount = itemAmount botGems.push(inv[i]); break; } } if (botgems < itemAmount) { client.chatMessage(steamID, "You don't have enough gems to send. (You have " + botgems + " gems)"); } else { t.addTheirItems(botgems); t.send(); client.chatMessage(steamID, "You sent me " + itemAmount + " gems."); }
  2. Hi, so I'm making a bot that send the user a trade offer with 350 gems, but the problem is that it's my first time using JS, so I find it kinda difficult to do it... I found this online but I don't understand it at all....: manager.getUserInventoryContents(steamID, 753, 6, true, (err, inv) => { if (err) { throw err; } let gems = inv.filter(item => item.market_hash_name == "Gems"); let item = gems[0]; item.amount = 350; offer.addMyItem(item); offer.send(function(err, status) { if (err) { console.log(err); return; } //Some code }); }); But the problem is that I need: 1. Check if the user has at least 350 Gems or more in their inventory 2. Send the trade offer with the 350 gems So I basically have no idea how to do it... Anyone can help me out? Thanks.
  3. Hi, so I am making a bot and the user has a "!buy" command that also has a parameter. How do I find out what number the user enters after the command when the user enters it like this "!buy 3"? if (msg.toUpperCase() == '!BUY' && '!BUY' == msg.toUpperCase().substring(0,4)){ if(!isNaN(msg.charAt(5)) && parseInt(msg.charAt(5)) > 0){ var string_start=msg.indexOf("UY"); var nrOfSets= ""; string_start+=3; for (var i = string_start; i < msg.length; i++) { nrOfSets+= msg.charAt(i); } var sets = parseInt(nrOfSets); I tried that but it doesn't work, it just skips to the last "else" which tells the user that the command is not recognized... Thanks. ---- EDIT FIXED!
  4. Hi, so I need a bit of help on making a bot using node-steam, and I've noticed that there's only node-steam-user on this forum which might not be the same as node-steam so I thought I might as well post in general. I'm making this bot and I want it to automatically message people who message the bot with a predefined message: var Steam = require('steam'); var fs = require('fs'); var bot = new Steam.SteamClient(); if (fs.existsSync('sentryfile_' + process.argv[2])){ var sentry = fs.readFileSync('sentryfile_' + process.argv[2]); console.log('[BOT] logging in with sentry '); bot.logOn({ accountName: process.argv[2], password: process.argv[3], authCode: process.argv[5], shaSentryfile: sentry }); }else{ console.log('[BOT] logging in without sentry'); bot.logOn({ accountName: process.argv[2], password: process.argv[3], authCode: process.argv[5] }); } This is my first bot in js and I can't see the predefined functions of node-steam anywhere... Thanks.
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