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  1. When I send 2 offers at the same time (Delta of 0-2 seconds) bot SOMETIMES ignore second offer and not fire `newOffer`. Its fired later when some other event is fired (next `newOffer`, or some of `OfferChanged` events)
  2. How other betting sites doing that they have confirmation in like 1 second
  3. Same problem. +-5 confirms per minute and 429
  4. Hi, did anyone find out how to accept mobile confirmations without (deprecated) pooling with startConfirmationChecker and not get ratelimited after few calls of acceptConfirmationForObject? I do not want to accept that I have to wait up to 10 seconds for confirmation
  5. The accept function trying to confirm until success? Or if I get 16 I need to try again?
  6. I have small dilema on my new bot what I am making. I have this communication between jackpot server and bot by REST API: Steam new incoming offer -> bot -> resend to jackpot server for validation -> jackpot server answers accept/decline -> if accept bot send to jackpot accepted offer object -> jackpot server do his work "if accept bot send to jackpot accepted offer object" - Here I have dilema.. Wait for accept callback, or use receivedOfferChanged event to get callback? I know waiting for callback is littlebit faster but is it 100% correct? Will it catch always? Same question for receivedOfferChanged. Thanks for help or suggestion how you guys (or Meredith McKey xD) do this kind of bot.
  7. From my tests average rate limiting for whole Steam is 25 requests per 5 minutes for public APIs and 10k requests per day for API with apikey
  8. Imagine bot go offline after tradeoffer sent. User will accept offer and presumes that he will get some codes into chat. But whoops bot went offline right before user accepted offer. Bot starts 1 minute later and he dont know about any accepted offer when he was offline. How to solve this?
  9. Sorry, But i tested it like this: var connection = new Steam.SteamClient(); var client = new Steam.SteamUser(connection); var manager = new TradeOfferManager({ "steam": client, "domain": domain, "language": "en", "cancelTime": cancel_time, "pendingCancelTime": cancel_time }); var community = new SteamCommunity(); var logOnOptions = { "account_name": login_username, "password": login_password, "two_factor_code": SteamTotp.getAuthCode(login_secret) }; client.logOn(logOnOptions);and I am getting errors now: this._connection.send(Buffer.concat([header.toBuffer(), body])); ^ TypeError: Cannot read property 'send' of undefined Is anything different when I use 'steam' ? I just used 'steam-user' before
  10. Can I have just one more question? Is possible to make 'sentOfferChanged' react faster to changed offers or this is because pool interval too. I see on sites like opskins.com that action is almost immediately.
  11. Hi guys, and Meredith I have question. Why automatic cancel is so inaccurate? When i have 1 minute it cancels offer in 1-2 minutes and when i have 5 minutes it cancels offer in even bigger interval.
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