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  1. What tools to use for getting information about steam api status ? very often steam api goes down, how properly to check if any troubles exist ? edit: Basicaly i want this status list from https://steamstat.us/ Steam Store - Normal Steam Community - Normal Steam Web API - Normal CS:GO Services - Normal var SteamWebAPI = require('@doctormckay/steam-webapi'); looks what i need. but what iface to use ? edited: discovered http://is.steam.rip/api/v1/?request=IsSteamRip cool!!!
  2. Steam return cookies like this ["sessionid=, "steamLogin=", "steamLoginSecure=] question, can i mannualy add some field so steam could remember me and never session expired ?
  3. Hello ! How should i properly handle this error ? I wrapped offer.accept into Promise and when i catch error then i get errCode and if errCode === 28 what way to re-accept this offer properly ? should i return false and then try to accept offer again ? or update somehow ?
  4. Who uses RxJS with steam ?
  5. look and determine which libs you will use
  6. Hello Community ! Please help non-native English speaking person to understand trade offers API !I use node-steam-tradeoffers, (sorry Dr. McKay) and thank you for another brillliant lib - node-steam-user ! Input Either get_sent_offers or get_received_offers (or both) must be set. active_only and historical_only are optional, if neither is passed it is equivalent to both being set. get_sent_offers - return the list of offers you've sent to other people. get_received_offers - return the list of offers you've received from other people. get_descriptions - return item display information for any items included in the returned offers. language - needed if get_descriptions is set, the language to use for item descriptions. active_only - return only trade offers in an active state (offers that haven't been accepted yet), or any offers that have had their state change since time_historical_cutoff. historical_only - return trade offers that are not in an active state. time_historical_cutoff - a unix time value. when active_only is set, inactive offers will be returned if their state was updated since this time. Useful to get delta updates on what has changed. WARNING: If not passed, this will default to the time your account last viewed the trade offers page. To avoid this behavior use a very low or very high date. So ! I'am listening for a new offer, and when it fired i must handle offers.when i use offer.getOffers({ get_sent_offers: 1, active_only: 1 }, callback) Output in a callback(err, body), where body.response.trade_offers_received is Array. as i understand historical_only is optional and if didn't passed it, in my result will be all offers ( for all period or some period ? ); 1 question - If my task is get offers which were sent and their status is active, should i do like this ? { get_sent_offers: 1, active_only: 1, historical: 0 }2 question - if i sent an offer and it has been refused, how i know for sure that person refused and if accepteed how i can know for sure that item i gave is exactly what he received ? ( OMG in this sentence tone of mistakes i think, shame on me); 3 question - if i need get all offer from this hour/day/week time_historical_cutoff i need ? Thank you for any help and sorry for my bad bad bad English.
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