"null" Docs say "Emitted on logon and when email info changes. The emailInfo property will be updated after this event is emitted." Isn't updating, though. Here's what `details` returns: "{ eresult: 1, out_of_game_heartbeat_seconds: 9, in_game_heartbeat_seconds: 9, public_ip: 387010462, rtime32_server_time: 1515897127, account_flags: 2101381, cell_id: 133, email_domain: null, steam2_ticket: null, eresult_extended: null, webapi_authenticate_user_nonce: 'VqFP8k12n6gM+8pbZf8', cell_id_ping_threshold: 11, use_pics: true, vanity_url: 'projectcrate8050', client_supplied_steamid: Long { low: 845356646, high: 17825793, unsigned: true }, ip_country_code: 'CA', parental_settings: null, parental_setting_signature: null, count_loginfailures_to_migrate: 0, count_disconnects_to_migrate: 0, ogs_data_report_time_window: null, client_instance_id: Long { low: -220505765, high: 776833051, unsigned: true }, force_client_update_check: null }"