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  1. It just isn't being sent. I even get a SteamGuard e-mail correctly sent beforehand, so I know that's working. I've tried with multiple accounts. > Successfully logged in> Address: <e-mail>> Successfully sent e-mail I figured that e-mail info not being emitted yet could be the problem, but as you can see I tested that and it comes out fine. The docs say that if there's a mobile authenticator, the function will return true but not do anything. But none of the accounts have a mobile authenticator. I'm using 3.28.1, the latest version as of posting this. I'm convinced there's just a bug. Am I wrong? er
  2. It still returns null in the callback of that function, despite `address` and `validated` both returning the expected results. I even get a SteamGuard code properly sent to my e-mail before that happens... what is going on?
  3. I'm sorry, but I'm unable to figure out how it isn't coming after being logged in. I'm waiting for the event function specifically for when you're logged in to fire... what am I missing?
  4. changePassword() takes the e-mail code that gets sent to you as its third argument. It's a catch-22 that I don't understand, though, because the e-mail code doesn't get sent until you call that function. Regardless of whether you add the argument, a prompt comes up and proceeds to *not* use the input and use the argument as the code. What am I missing? Sorry, but I couldn't figure it out looking at the documentation. const User = new SteamUser(); User.logOn({ 'accountName': <username>, 'password': <password> }); User.on('loggedOn', function() { console.log('Successfully logged in'); User.changePassword(<old password>, <new password>, <random string>, function(err) { // how are you supposed to provide the code when it gets activated by the function? console.log(err); }); });
  5. "null" Docs say "Emitted on logon and when email info changes. The emailInfo property will be updated after this event is emitted." Isn't updating, though. Here's what `details` returns: "{ eresult: 1, out_of_game_heartbeat_seconds: 9, in_game_heartbeat_seconds: 9, public_ip: 387010462, rtime32_server_time: 1515897127, account_flags: 2101381, cell_id: 133, email_domain: null, steam2_ticket: null, eresult_extended: null, webapi_authenticate_user_nonce: 'VqFP8k12n6gM+8pbZf8', cell_id_ping_threshold: 11, use_pics: true, vanity_url: 'projectcrate8050', client_supplied_steamid: Long { low: 845356646, high: 17825793, unsigned: true }, ip_country_code: 'CA', parental_settings: null, parental_setting_signature: null, count_loginfailures_to_migrate: 0, count_disconnects_to_migrate: 0, ogs_data_report_time_window: null, client_instance_id: Long { low: -220505765, high: 776833051, unsigned: true }, force_client_update_check: null }"
  6. I've now realized that method only sets that group as the primary one, doesn't join it. Which you obviously have to do prior.
  7. I got the SteamID for a group from `<groupID64>` on the page like the internet told me: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/projectcrate/memberslistxml/?xml=1 SteamID returns: SteamID { universe: 1, type: 7, instance: 0, accountid: 5921375 }7 is `CLAN`, so it appears to be working correctly. However: const SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity'); const community = new SteamCommunity; const SteamID = require('steamid'); const group = new SteamID('103582791435442783'); community.login({ 'accountName': <username>, 'password': <password> }, function(err, user) { if (err) { console.log(err); } community.editProfile({ 'name': <name>, 'summary': <summary> 'customURL': <URL>, 'primaryGroup': group, 'realName': '', 'country': '', 'state': '', 'city': '', 'background': '', 'featuredBadge': '' }, function(err) { if (err) { console.log(err); } }); }); "[Error: Failed to set new primary group.]" If you generate `group` with another SteamID64 like a profile's it doesn't throw an error, but it obviously also doesn't do anything.
  8. Or really anything other than its arbitrary position in an array. There doesn't appear to be a way to do this. Every kind of item schema Valve has is just an array of objects.
  9. I have many alternate accounts that I use for storage. Because of something that I can't identify, I can't access the inventory endpoint for these accounts when I can for my regularly used profiles (and others). These accounts are fully verified. - It's like this in the browser and Steam client- It makes no difference who I'm logged in as when making the request.Could you anonymous internet users do me a favor and tell me if it's that way on your end too? Primary account - http://steamcommunity.com/inventory/76561198065277457/440/2?l=english&count=50 Alternate account - http://steamcommunity.com/inventory/76561198138317837/440/2?l=english&count=50 If you can't see the alternate either and it isn't my network, then if someone could help me find what the delimiter is that'd be great.
  10. There we go, haha I read the docs, I swear.
  11. Didn't do anything, still just sits there for infinity. Edit: Tried it on Linux, and the same thing. I figured maybe some weird problem with Windows, but no. Man, I'll be fascinated to see what the problem was.
  12. var SteamUser = require('steam-user'); var newUser = new SteamUser(); details = { accountName: '<username>', password: '<password>' } newUser.logOn(details); Sorry again for whatever obvious thing I'm missing.
  13. Hey, just starting out. Seems like a great library. Great moves, keep it up, proud of you. I'm stuck at the `logOn` function, though. First off, regardless of whether `twoFactorCode` is provided in the object, I still get prompted for a mobile authentication code. Although I'm not sure how providing it in the script would work because the script needs to be run to be prompted for it. When the code gets entered though, nothing ever happens. The terminal just sits there. Nothing ever even seems to time out. I tried logging in with another account that uses an e-mail code, and the same thing happened. It just sits there. Thanks for the patience to whoever replies.
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