last year this worked, If your phone is rooted you can use ES File Explorer to copy the files from your internal memory: data/data/ To your card, and then to your computer then open the files with your steamid in the name with notepad and find the identity_secret in the text -------- The other way, which is much easier, but requires you to remove the guard and set it back up. Requires using a windows program called WinAuth (it generates auth tokens and you can confirm trades with it, i use it with all my accounts, but im not endorsing the product here, im just giving another option how to get identity secret ) So remove the guard from your phone, then set it up using WinAuth (remember to write down your recovery code, and set a good password to protect your details) 7 Day trade hold starts here Then when its set, you just right click on your acc in winauth click "Show Steam Guard and Recovery Key" that will tell you all the info a, shared secret, identity secret, recovery code and more WinAuth saves stuff in the registry, so do a regular backup (export) just in case.