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Everything posted by Argyl

  1. So that was part of the issue. But now its not taking my proxies. Was connecting and logging in before and I tested them to make sure they are good to go. { "message": "bind EADDRNOTAVAIL", "stack": "Error: bind EADDRNOTAVAIL\n at internalConnect (net.js:824:18)\n at defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope (internal/async_hooks.js:299:19)\n at defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope (net.js:948 :9)\n at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/next_tick.js:74:9)", "errno": "EADDRNOTAVAIL", "code": "EADDRNOTAVAIL", "syscall": "bind", "address": "", "port": 8800 } That error crashes the process as well. Any ideas?
  2. So just trying to figure out if I'm dumb or if something is up. I'm updating my bot manager and since update doesn't use steam-client anymore I can't use .bind() which was working. See my attached image. Basically client is still returning my own localhost IP. Not the proxy one I'm setting.
  3. Wanting to know what it looks like for Steam Comm and Trade Offer Manager, so when certain errors happen I can handle them properly. Thanks! Ps: If this is documented somewhere my apologizes.
  4. Make a bot object for each thing required. const manager = { bot1: new TradeOfferManager({ ....}), bot2: new etc...., } manager.bot1.function()
  5. Well Mark this as solved haha. Problem was my socket client. It was firing an event for every single connection to the page. Thanks!
  6. Aswell, I removed and made it so it couldn't access polldata and still doing trade offer poll twice every ten seconds.
  7. Any idea? Been tryin different things to now avail.
  8. Then you would need to use addTheirItems(). Same thing as addTheirItems(), I just prefer the second cause I can do more with my array that I send.
  9. Well I know it works, you are just going to have to use your thinking cap to figure out a solution. Try and login on steam first. Then use bot
  10. I'm just saying if you are sending multiply items going to have to loop through the items. Whether the are in an object or array.
  11. You need to display out the capthcaUrl, then follow the link. What I suggest is make a login where you type in user pw, then if you get capthca error, display the url. Then go to link get captcha and enter into bot and login again. Boom captcha covered.
  12. It appears to be pooling data twice? I cleared polldata.json, brought it from doing 6 times events to 2 times. polldata.json {"sent":{"1034893770":10,"1034895513":10,"1034896997":10,"1034903572":6,"1034915198":7,"1041181202":6,"1041184909":6,"1041184976":6,"1041198226":7,"1041198228":7,"1041198235":7,"1041198241":7,"1041227475":7,"1041258820":7,"1041264865":7,"1041266894":7,"1041269762":7,"1041270306":7,"1041303401":4,"1041313907":4,"1041320193":4,"1041322812":4,"1064257061":7,"1064298530":7,"1064300059":7,"1064307068":7,"1064314258":7,"1064323700":8,"1064324672":7,"1064378975":7,"1064383046":7,"1064384285":7,"1064387997":8,"1064389814":7,"1064390873":7,"1064391678":7,"1064392526":7,"1064394166":7,"1064404382":7,"1064405564":7,"1064408919":7,"1064420187":7,"1064422503":7,"1064425516":7,"1064429611":7,"1068452543":7,"1068458052":7,"1068469202":7,"1068473023":7,"1068478026":7,"1068484537":7,"1068489893":7,"1068492720":7,"1068493908":7,"1068502809":7,"1068555312":7,"1068557608":7,"1068560944":7,"1068562155":4,"1068563831":7,"1068568681":7,"1084335181":7,"1088682909":7,"1088699841":7,"1088706741":7,"1088708868":7,"1088709889":7,"1088712246":7,"1088713221":7,"1088716781":7,"1088726254":7,"1088728512":7,"1096180532":7,"1096181815":7,"1096190180":7,"1096303901":7,"1096304825":7,"1096365169":6,"1096384246":6,"1096446953":6,"1096450541":6,"1096452663":6,"1096455044":6,"1096458799":7,"1096460199":6,"1096464298":7,"1096464621":7,"1096466391":7,"1096467748":7,"1096468676":6,"1096470357":7,"1096478203":7,"1096483242":6,"1096485509":6,"1096487509":7,"1096489086":7,"1096491065":7,"1096521915":7,"1096522557":6,"1096525541":7,"1096526253":7,"1096526980":7,"1096528132":6,"1096554905":7,"1096555656":7,"1098654082":7,"1098664295":7,"1100819431":7,"1100865289":3,"1100889446":3,"1100902913":3,"1100906179":3,"1100908034":3,"1100914778":3,"1100930880":3,"1101009374":7,"1103017270":3,"1103023446":3,"1103026156":3,"1103037540":3,"1103043730":3,"1103459769":3,"1103461075":3,"1103462635":3},"received":{"1041303965":6,"1041314678":6,"1041321535":6,"1041323145":6,"1064365940":7,"1068562604":6}}
  13. Going to have to use your problem thinking skills to deconstruct objects you send to the bot or arrays. xD
  14. if(offer.state === TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState.Accepted){ db.query("UPDATE `tTradeOffer` SET `sTradeStatus` = 'Completed' WHERE `sTradeId` = '"+ offer.id +"'"); db.query("SELECT * FROM `tTradeOffer` WHERE `sTradeId` = '"+offer.id+"'") .on('result', function(data){ db.query("UPDATE `tUserProfile` SET `decCurrentStar` = `decCurrentStar` + "+data.decTradeValue+", `decTotalStar` = `decTotalStar` + "+data.decTradeValue+" WHERE `sUserId` = '"+data.sUserId+"'"); }); console.log(' \n\nTradeID: '+offer.id+' has been accepted! \nTime \nCreated: '+offer.created+' \n Updated: '+offer.updated+'\n Unix Timestamp: '+Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000)); io.sockets.in(socket.room).emit('tradeCompleted', {'msg': 'Trade offer has been processed and Stars added to your wallet!', 'userId': offer.id, 'status': 'Accepted'}); socket.leave(socket.room); } I believe so, its as if the event is getting fired multiply times.
  15. Timestamp doesn't break it down to the second, but then tried unix timestamp. Same thing, its instant. :/
  16. Welp, I gave you the solution. Just have to make sure that all the data that is taken in is verified to make sure there was no user alteration.
  17. Its all within the documentation. If you don't understand it, then I would suggest the same as McKay and learn more before taking on a big project.
  18. When a trade is declined it spams trade state code like 2-6 times. Makes DB work shitty. Lol manager.on('sentOfferChanged', function(offer, oldstate){ if(offer.state == TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState.Countered){ offer.cancel(function(err){ if(err){ console.log('Unable to cancel offer:' + err.message); } else { db.query("UPDATE `tTradeOffer` SET `sTradeStatus` = 'Cancelled' WHERE `sTradeId` = '"+ offer.id +"'"); console.log('TradeID: '+offer.id+' has been cancelled due to countered!'); io.sockets.in(socket.room).emit('notifyUser', {'msg': 'Trade has been cancelled due to user sending counter offer!', 'status': 'Countered'}); socket.leave(socket.room); } }); } if(offer.state === TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState.Declined){ db.query("UPDATE `tTradeOffer` SET `sTradeStatus` = 'Declined' WHERE `sTradeId` = '"+ offer.id +"'"); console.log('TradeID: '+offer.id+' has been declined!'); io.sockets.in(socket.room).emit('notifyUser', {'msg': 'You have declined the trade!', 'status': 'Declined'}); socket.leave(socket.room); } if(offer.state === TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState.Accepted){ db.query("UPDATE `tTradeOffer` SET `sTradeStatus` = 'Completed' WHERE `sTradeId` = '"+ offer.id +"'"); db.query("SELECT * FROM `tTradeOffer` WHERE `sTradeId` = '"+offer.id+"'") .on('result', function(data){ db.query("UPDATE `tUserProfile` SET `decCurrentStar` = `decCurrentStar` + "+data.decTradeValue+", `decTotalStar` = `decTotalStar` + "+data.decTradeValue+" WHERE `sUserId` = '"+data.sUserId+"'"); }); console.log('TradeID: '+offer.id+' has been accepted!'); io.sockets.in(socket.room).emit('tradeCompleted', {'msg': 'Trade offer has been processed and Stars added to your wallet!', 'userId': offer.id, 'status': 'Accepted'}); socket.leave(socket.room); } if(offer.state === TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState.Canceled){ db.query("UPDATE `tTradeOffer` SET `sTradeStatus` = 'Canceled (Time Out)' WHERE `sTradeId` = '"+ offer.id +"'"); console.log('TradeID: '+offer.id+' has been canceled (Time Out)'); io.sockets.in(socket.room).emit('notifyUser', {'msg' : 'Trade has been cancelled due to it Timing Out!', 'status': 'TimeOut'}); socket.leave(socket.room); } });
  19. Use ajax to send data to php function to build init db row with required info. Have it verify and do all the data server side. Then send back to client with data, and immediately send it off in a socket request.
  20. Going to suggest that you do some research. Look at the examples. Shows what you need right there.
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