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  1. Hey there, I've noticed that whenever the trade offer manager does a full poll for one of my accounts it can block the Node.js process. If I turn off description mappings (not set language) it's OK. Currently I have a requirement for descriptions, but may investigate moving away from it, however thought I'd bring this to your attention. This issue arises because the `sentOffers` data is ~67MB (as stringified). It seems to freeze up when `_mapItemsToDescriptions` is called in `createOfferFromData` for my sent items. I tried moving to an old version where it does not paginate, but no luck, so it's likely a recent sent offer. I think it may be the loop in `EconItem` (as the Node.js debugger kept putting me in this loop when I spammed it repeatedly), or just the main map in `_mapItemsToDescriptions` -- it takes ~60 seconds to a full refresh (like 15-30 seconds of processing) which can block the app. I'm not exactly sure how you'd solve this unless you made it async or something. If you're interested, I can provide some `sentOffers` data. In the meantime I may just look at moving off using descriptions. I've tried tweaking the cache values (increasing it to an extremely large number) and it doesn't seem to have any impact whatsoever.
  2. Cool, thanks for answering
  3. Hey, I was just wondering why you make a languages.js file for your GC modules (node-tf2, node-globaloffensive). Is it just so you know which ones your module supports, or because you like the cleaner names? I can see it aiding performance because you can grab the value straight away without having to loop through heaps of enum objects. Was just curious as to why, I wanted to work on my own GC module and wanted to hear your thoughts! Cheers.
  4. Hey, I was wondering if you were ever thinking of making your own module for interacting with the Dota 2 game coordinator. There is node-dota2 but it needs node-steam and it seems pretty dead. I understand if you weren't thinking of making a dota2 one since from what I can see there are a TON of messages which the Dota client sends. It would be great to have a module to use with node-steam-user though. I might even start writing my own in the future (after my studies finish this semester) for some of my personal projects. Was just wondering if you ever planned on writing one. Cheers
  5. Timing out because the SteamID is invalid (in this case 0?) getPersonas from what I understand is supposed to work correctly for friends, but I've found its behaviour to be inconsistent.
  6. Thank you! I understand and sorry for bothering you, hope you enjoy your break
  7. Sorry for making a thread on your forum, but I noticed this crash occurring a few times (when Steam is down I believe), and I was hoping to get some attention to my PR which should band-aid fix this exception from occurring. Here's a link to my PR: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user/pull/322 and the corresponding issue (from 10 months ago): https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user/issues/274 As you can see I simply stop the code from progressing if an exception is going to occur if the bot does not have a socket and cannot respond to a ChannelEncryptRequest. I cannot figure out why this exception occurs in the first place as I'm not too familiar with Steam client auth (more acquainted with web auth personally) and why the socket would suddenly be undefined in the codebase, but as far as I can see implementing this fix shouldn't raise any outstanding issues. Again sorry for making a thread but I was hoping to get some attention for this. Cheers.
  8. Hi I noticed there's two different ways of getting the assetids for received items for an accepted offer, and they do 2 different calls, I was just wondering if you knew whether one is more reliable than the other - sometimes with getReceivedItems I get an error "Data temporarily unavailable; try again later" - would this happen with getExchangeDetails? Thanks
  9. Thank you very much! Needed for my bot in order for the user to easily identify users.
  10. Hey, I'm assuming you would use getPersonas to get the nickname of the user that the 'bot' account has set for that user, this is my response. { '76561198144520197': { persona_state: 1, game_played_app_id: 0, game_server_ip: 0, game_server_port: 0, persona_state_flags: 256, online_session_instances: 4, published_instance_id: 4, persona_set_by_user: null, player_name: 'madgamer69', query_port: 65535, steamid_source: Long { low: 0, high: 0, unsigned: true }, avatar_hash: ByteBuffer { buffer: <Buffer 08 ff 1f 12 3a 09 05 80 fb 0a 01 00 10 01 7a 0a 6d 61 64 67 61 6d 65 72 36 39 fa 01 14 dc 5f 39 0c 61 4b 53 33 23 07 d2 d5 32 59 5e d2 0f 31 72 38 e8 ... >, offset: 29, markedOffset: -1, limit: 49, littleEndian: true, noAssert: false }, last_logoff: 2017-01-01T13:33:02.000Z, last_logon: 2017-01-02T03:11:08.000Z, clan_rank: null, game_name: '', gameid: 0, game_data_blob: ByteBuffer { buffer: <Buffer 08 df 06 12 68 09 05 80 fb 0a 01 00 10 01 10 01 18 00 20 00 28 00 30 80 02 38 04 40 04 7a 0a 6d 61 64 67 61 6d 65 72 36 39 a0 01 ff ff 03 c9 01 00 00 ... >, offset: 109, markedOffset: -1, limit: 109, littleEndian: true, noAssert: false }, clan_tag: null, facebook_name: null, facebook_id: null, avatar_url_icon: 'https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/dc/dc5f390c614b53332307d2d532595ed20f317238.jpg' avatar_url_medium: 'https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/dc/dc5f390c614b53332307d2d532595ed20f317238_medium.jpg' avatar_url_full: 'https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/dc/dc5f390c614b53332307d2d532595ed20f317238_full.jpg'} } I have checked it is the correct steam id, they are friends, the account is online (as you can see by the persona_state). Is it possible to grab a nickname for a user using this method? I'm guessing it's: persona_set_by_user, however it is responding as null. Here is a screenshot of the account in question: http://i.imgur.com/42HCAII.png
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