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Posts posted by 4049_1572836826

  1. Hi, how do I get information about a removed game ?

    via this link it gives me the status false https://store.steampowered.com/api/appdetails?appids=516700
    I can only get the badges https://steamcommunity.com/my/gamecards/516700

    But i need information about name, type, and 100% state of game like removed, active etc.

    How do i get this info, Thanks

  2. These aren't distinct domains; they're subdomains / wildcards of the main domain. If you set cookies for the main domain, all subdomains will be able to access those cookies.

    edit sorry I mean store.steamcommunity and steamcommunity and I forgot about steampowered :D

    check SSO https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43631581/how-to-do-single-sign-on-with-nodejs


  3. Hi, in the future I plan to have more bots in one script they will have functions that will get info from steam pages and I would like to avoid limits.

    I have made such a solution which works with request.. 
    And I would like to ask if there is another option ?

    proxy.bot = 'http://xx:xx@xxx:xxx'
    steamUser.bot = new SteamUser({ httpProxy: proxy.bot })
    request.bot = Request.defaults({ forever: true, proxy: proxy.bot })
    steamCommunity.bot = new Steamcommunity({ request: request.bot })
    steamUser.bot.on('loggedOn', () => {
      console.log('Logged on!')
      console.log(steamUser.bot.publicIP) // * to eq proxy IP
    steamUser.bot.on('webSession', (sessionID, cookies) => {
      steamCommunity.bot.loggedIn((err, loggedIn) => {
        if (err) console.log(err)
        if (loggedIn) console.log('Logged in!')
        const { request: SCrequest } = steamCommunity.bot
        SCrequest.get('https://api.ipify.org?format=json', (err, res, body) => {
          if (err) console.log(err)
          console.log(JSON.parse(body).ip) // * to eq proxy IP
        SCrequest.get('https://steamcommunity.com/my/profile', (err, res) => {
          if (err) console.log(err)
          console.log(res.request.uri.href) // * return /profiles/steamID


  4. steam-user : v. 4.27.1
    steamcommunity: v. 3.44.3

    Hi, I'm logging into the bot via steam-user and refresToken and after finding webSession, cookies are not valid / setCookies still return Not Logged In.
    SteamCommunity _checkHttpError return status code 302 redirection to /login
    Anyone have similar experiences ? 

    steamUser[item.id] = new SteamUser()
    steamCommunity[item.id] = new SteamCommunity()
    tradeOfferManager[item.id] = new TradeOfferManager({
      steam: steamUser[item.id],
      community: steamCommunity[item.id],
      domain: 'localhost',
      language: 'en'
      refreshToken: item.steam_session_token,
      logonID: 67



  5. 1. https://steamcommunity.com/login/getrsakey/?username=
    2. encode pass to base64 rsa encrypt with mod and exp from getrsakey
    3. and use in body of POST https://steamcommunity.com/login/dologin/
    4. process dologin by response like success, requires_twofactor, emailauth_needed


  6. client.sendToGC(appId, 4006, {}, Buffer.alloc(0)); // ClientHello
    client.on("receivedFromGC", (appId, msgType, payload) => {
    	if (msgType === 4004) {
        	// ClientWelcome
    		client.sendToGC(appId, 9109, {}, Buffer.alloc(0)); // MatchmakingClient2GCHello
    	else if (msgType === 9110) {
        	// MatchmakingGC2ClientHello
    		// protoDecode CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchmakingGC2ClientHello
    		// This work correctly

    Work for me. 

  7. Work for me :

    const SteamUser = require("steam-user");
    const GlovalOffensive = require("globaloffensive");
    const client = new SteamUser();
    const csgo = new GlovalOffensive(client);
      logonID: 12,
    client.on("loggedOn", () => {
      console.log("Logged into Steam");
    client.on("appLaunched", (appId) => {
      console.log("App launched: " + appId);
    csgo.on("connectedToGC", () => {
      console.log("Connected to GC");
      console.log("haveGCSession:", csgo.haveGCSession);
    csgo.on("disconnectedFromGC", (err) => {
      console.log("Disconnected from GC", err);
    csgo.on("accountData", (data) => {
      console.log("accountData", data);
    csgo.on("debug", console.log);


  8. sorry, my bad, 


    A big object containing account data and some statistics including players in-game. Undefined until accountData is emitted.

    csgo.on("accountData", (data) => {
    console.log("Data", csgo.accountData);


    csgo.on("connectedToGC", () => {
    console.log("Connected to GC");
    csgo.on("playersProfile", (data) => {

    I got on first logon from

    csgo.on("accountData", data => 


    And second run nothing


  9. Hi, what is the best method for relogin to bot if e.g. on NoConnection disconnect.

    1st step login with steam-sessions and save refreshToken
    2nd step login to steam-client with refreshToken and save loginKey
    3rd step if NoConnection disconnect use login key or refreshToken

    and how long alive refreshToken and how to regenerate ? only relogin w/ steam-session, if steam-client throw InvalidPassword

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