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Posts posted by Akaz

  1. Despite the steamcommunity v3.48.1 fix, I'm still facing the issue. Assigning cookies generated from steamcommunity login to steamstore fails.


        "steamcommunity": "^3.48.2",
        "steamstore": "^2.3.0"


    community.login(OPTIONS, (err, sessionID, cookies) => {
      if (err) {
      	console.log(`Login error : ${err.message}`);



    Login error : Cookie not in this host's domain. Cookie:store.steampowered.com Request:steamcommunity.com


    Am I doing something wrong?

  2. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamstore#addphonenumbernumber-bypassconfirmation-callback


    Hey, calling this function with bypassConfirmation to true still send the email confirmation with the link that must be clicked.

    Am I doing something wrong or did I misunderstood the parameter? Or maybe it's just broken?

    store.addPhoneNumber(phoneNumber, true, (err) => {
      if (err) {
      	reject(new Error(`Failed to add phone number: ${err.message}`));
      } else {
        logInfo(`Confirmation sent to phone number: ${phoneNumber}`);


  3. Hey McKay, thanks for your work fixing this project quickly.


    However the solution you released using https://doctormckay.github.io/steam-twofactor-server/ doesn't seem to work with multiple session, would it have an update?

    To make it more clean, I'm handling multiple accounts via a session manager browser extension where each tab is a dedicated session. Let's say I log my main account A normally, then open B and C from dedicated tabs with sessions. Everything works fine so far, but when the userscript redirect to https://doctormckay.github.io/steam-twofactor-server/, it always show me logged in as A, no matter if I'm confirming a trade from A, B or C.

    Do you have any idea on the issue and potential fix? Thanks

  4. Hey,

    A simple question, is the cancelTime mechanism linked to an instance?

    To be more clear, does it work as a timeout waiting for X ms before canceling the trade, in that case, only the instance that created the offer will cancel item, or would it cancel any outgoing offer that reach a certain age.

    Or with an example: My bot create and send an offer, cancelTime is set to 10 minutes. After 5 minute I restart the bot. Will it cancel the offer previously sent?

    As I'm typing I'm realizing that the answer seems pretty obvious but I'm still opening the question, a simple "It's linked to the instance that sent the trade" as answer would be enough 😄

  5. Hey,

    I'm aware that I can do something like that 

    const requestProxy = request.defaults({'proxy':userProxy});
    let community = new SteamCommunity({'request': requestProxy});

    But this set up a single proxy for the whole instance, while I would like to use a different proxy on different request I do with community

    I know I could do that by doing my own request with something like this 

    const options = {url: URL, proxy: getRandomProxy()};
    request(options, function (err, resp, body) {
      // Here I have a different proxy everytime

    But is there a way to have something similar while using the functions from this package?

    Thank you!


    Edit : Unless it's useless and the rate limite is based on the Steam account rather than the IP used

    Edit2 :  After some testing, rate limite seems to be based on account requests rather than IP, making the proxy switch useless. I'll investigate a bit more but probably won't change the result.

  6. 2 hours ago, Dr. McKay said:

    That's pretty much expected. It's not 100% clear what causes Steam to invalidate cookies, but initing a session is known to invalidate old ones.

    Thank you for your answer

    So there is no way to run ASF and steam-user on the same account at the same time without having to recreate a new session every 15 minutes? 

    I was previously using node-steamcommunity because all I need is to get a session and cookies to request Steam endpoints and I had no problem, but then I had to move to steam-user because I need to get my wallet balance.

    Alternative question then, is there a way to get an account wallet balance without using steam-user?

    Thanks again!

  7. Hey,

    I'm running ASF, mostly to idle cards, while I'm also using the steam-user package and every time ASF refresh it's session, it kills the one I created with steam-user

    == ASF LOGS ==
    RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
    Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
    Init() Success!


    ASF and my bot are running under different IP, I tried a bunch of things including setting logonID but without success, I can't prevent my session from dying.

    Any idea on how to solve this?


  8. Hey, thanks for the answer

    Sadly I just tried with 

    client.requestFreeLicense([640890], (err, grantedPackages, grantedAppIDs) => {
      log("Adding 640890");
      if (err) log("Error adding 640890 : " + err);
      else log("New packages added : " + grantedPackages + " | New apps added : " + grantedAppIDs);

    But it didn't added the game. I got the result :

    New packages added :  | New apps added :

    Am I missing something? Or maybe it's because it's promotional free?

  9. Hey, I've been manually sending my trades since ... forever. But since I'm getting a bit sleep deprived I was thinking about sending them automatically.

    I've been doing from 30 to 70 trades a day on average for months now and was wondering if using it would increase in any way the risk of getting trade banned by Steam.

    Could they detect that I'm sending my trades automatically and then flag me as a bot and ban me?

    Thank you

  10. Your setup looks great and simple for what I need, I may end up using that too.

    I quickly reviewed your code and I think it should be fine but it cost nothing to ask : From Steam's point of view, is there any difference between doing this and doing the manual confirmation with the app?

    Because as I said I'm trying to avoid being trade banned at all cost so I'm not using anything that could make me looks like a bot. I don't see any api call to Steam so I guess it's fine beside maybe accessing to /mobileconf/conf with a desktop browser.

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