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Everything posted by Mister

  1. Great, if you need any help with the new version let me know
  2. Hey! So, I've been using this module for a while now, and I went through a problem that I was able to make a workaround but I think that it should have a better solution for it. If you have a busy bot with couple thousand trades a day the polldata.json file will get insanely big with time and since we deep clone it each pool it can REALLY affect the performance of the app overtime. Should we create a cleaning function for the polldata file or do you think there is other solution?
  3. Awesome! Thanks man
  4. Hey, not sure where to ask this, but looks like there is a component that might be problematic: TypeError: options.hasOwnProperty is not a function at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/Users/mister/Desktop/ruststake/rust-app-master/node_modules/@doctormckay/stdlib/components/http/proxyagent.js:71:18) at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:365:28) at Socket.socketOnData (node:_http_client:525:11) at Socket.emit (node:events:365:28) at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:314:12) at readableAddChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:289:9) at Socket.Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:228:10) at TCP.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:190:23) I managed to fix it by changing node_modules/@doctormckay/stdlib/components/http/proxyagent.js:71 file from if (!options.hasOwnProperty(i)) { continue; } to if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options, i)) { continue; }
  5. I see... By any chance you know what exactly trigger this "stacking"
  6. Hey, looks like there is an "event" on steam inventories that happens with few games (like rust) which is when items get stacked. I was thinking if it's possible to handle this event somewhere, so we have a way to keep track of the assetids. Link of the screenshot: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/STEAMID/inventoryhistory/ Event:
  7. So for example if steam goes down on tuesday for maintenance I just need to keep trying to call webLogOn? I don't need to login again? If so when would re-login be necessary Thank you for your time so far
  8. Hey Simple not sure if you still have this problem, but seems like Steam auto stack rust items whenever they feel like it, looks like it's more frequent when you have a higher volume of trade/more items in the inventory. Don't think there is a way to control this behavior
  9. Hey, I've been working on a steam bot and randomly when the bot disconnects and tries to reconnect it doesn't work. Even after I get loggedOn event if I run community.loggedIn I get false. Do I need to redeclare TradeOfferManager and SteamCommunity objects after SteamUser relogin? This is my reconnect code: setInterval(() => { this.community.loggedIn((err, loggedIn) => { if (err) { if (err.message === 'HTTP error 502') return if (err.message === 'HTTP error 500') return return console.log('[Check] error.', err) } if (loggedIn) return if (_self.makeSureLoggedOff) { _self.makeSureLoggedOff = false console.log('[Steam] Bot ' + _self.accountName + " didn't fix it self, forcing relog...") try { _self.client.relog() } catch (err) { if (err.message === 'Cannot relog if not already connected') { console.log('[Relog] Bot ' + _self.accountName + " wasn't connected so we are trying to login.") return _self.client.logOn() } console.log('[Relog] ' + _self.accountName + ' error: ' + err) } return } console.log('[Steam] Auto catcher found a steam account (' + _self.accountName + ') with login problems, waiting to see if it will fix it self') _self.makeSureLoggedOff = true }) }, 10000) Forgot to also ask, "webSession" event is emmited after every "relog" and "logOn"?
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