Only app_data
EconItem {
appid: 440,
contextid: '2',
assetid: '4723781293',
classid: '2674',
instanceid: '11040547',
amount: 1,
missing: false,
currency: false,
background_color: '3C352E',
icon_url: '...',
icon_url_large: '...',
tradable: false,
[ { link: '',
name: 'Item Wiki Page...' } ],
name: 'Refined Metal',
name_color: '7D6D00',
type: 'Level 3 Craft Item',
market_name: 'Refined Metal',
market_hash_name: 'Refined Metal',
commodity: false,
market_tradable_restriction: 7,
market_marketable_restriction: 0,
id: '4723781293',
fraudwarnings: [],
descriptions: [],
owner_descriptions: [],
owner_actions: [],
tags: [],
marketable: false } After restarting the bot (or by editing that part of code in OP) app_data is returned correctly again.