Hello, I have some questions about node steamcommunity. Is there a way i can get the last added gift or item that was added to my inventory. and then get the item / gift id that i can accept / activate or send it to someone or so ? Or how can i get my custom URL or profile name for custom url with node steamcommunity ? because my accounts have customURL and not want save them all and check what is for what account . thats why ask can get it with steamcommunity with a parameter ? #https://steamcommunity.com/id/profilenameinURL/inventory/# I try to autoactivate or send to on my other account when someone gift or trade me something. And can i accept and unnpack gift on my account ? And i coded that it work with steamguard but for that i deactivated my mobileauth. can i code it that it save my mobile auth like it saves steamguard that i not always need enter it when login at same machine ? I have forgotten: when i try community.httpRequestGet('https://steamcommunity.com/id/profile/inventory/ or any other link i get error 302 . can the node steamcommunity note follow / follow redirect the url ? Its a bit hard to get through the whole node steamcommunity functions etc not so easy atm for me. Thanks hope someone here can help , and answer my questions.