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  1. Hi! Looking for guidance if the GC is transmitting info on which map is currently being played in the dangerzone queue. I'm thinking that the GC has nothing to do with the queue, and its the CSGO client that knows the map list + timings when to show which map image? Is this the case? or is a GC involved somewhere? Any info would be welcome <3 When I click dangerzone in my client with developer 1 I get: (making me think GC is not involved at all) Scheduled config settings write (ui_playsettings_mode_official = survival)... Scheduled config settings write (ui_playsettings_maps_official_survival = mg_dz_blacksite,mg_dz_sirocco,mg_dz_vineyard,mg_dz_ember)... CMatchSessionOfflineCustom::UpdateSessionSettings Settings { options { anytypemode 0 action custommatch server official } game { state lobby map dz_blacksite search_key k13821 ark int( 0 = 0x0 ) apr int( 1 = 0x1 ) loc FR mode survival type freeforall mapgroupname mg_dz_blacksite,mg_dz_sirocco,mg_dz_vineyard,mg_dz_ember gamemodeflags int( 0 = 0x0 ) prime int( 1 = 0x1 ) } system { network offline access public } members { numMachines int( 1 = 0x1 ) numPlayers int( 1 = 0x1 ) numSlots int( 1 = 0x1 ) machine0 { id u64( X = X ) flags u64( 0 = 0x0 ) numPlayers int( 1 = 0x1 ) dlcmask u64( 0 = 0x0 ) tuver 00000000 ping int( 0 = 0x0 ) player0 { xuid u64( X = X ) name X game { clanID int( x = x ) clantag x clanname x ranking int( X = 0x0 ) ranktype int( X = 0x6 ) wins int( X = 0x54B ) level int( X = 0x19 ) xppts int( X = X ) commends [X][X][X] medals [X] teamcolor X prime int( X = X ) loc XX } } } } }
  2. @Dr. McKay I think valve blocked that out (to block external services from analyzing matches automatically, so they can sell their own stats service?) you now need a API auth key to access those (?) correct me if I'm wrong https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Global_Offensive_Access_Match_History https://github.com/ValvePython/csgo/issues/39 https://github.com/joshuaferrara/node-csgo/issues/81 The main reason I'm asking, is because I'm trying to "watch" dangerzone matches, and these do not show up in the recent matches, so the only way to know the outcome of a DZ match is to "watch" it, or demo record it then analyze it? Unless I'm overlooking something
  3. I had posted this as an issue in github, but this feels a more appropriate platform to ask this question. I'm aware that node-globaloffensive cannot watch a csgo match and other tools will be required, but this button on a friend in CSGO shows: "Watch game in progress" does something to the CSGO client, that it launches the demo viewer Whilst node-globaloffensive can't watch, can it receive the details to then delegate it to another tool / library? Does anyone has insights or experience? Or just a direction to start looking into? Thanks! Kind regards, iNilo
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