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  1. hmm theres not much to give its just that some times the offer completes and the event does not come idk if anyone else is expereincing this atm
  2. It seems like the sentofferchanged especially and the received offerchanged are missing some events how to fix this?
  3. Just curious if we dont use the machineauth token or the refresh token then what device type the steam user sends to steam cuz i see mobile logins and diff type of mobile devices identified
  4. Is there a method available to update/change the steam password?
  5. If u are Using that many profiles on the same Ip Ofc u wil get ratelimited i suggest using proxies in the constructors of the steam user and community
  6. i want to get the user inventories for them to display on my project for those users who dont use the steam creds to log in so i want to know what is the rate limit of the steam side for the get user inventory contents so i can get their inventory and not get rate limited on my account
  7. @Dr. McKay
  8. i want to validate if a user entered rhe identity secrect correctly so my plan that i implemented was that i will create a api key and handle the confrim mation to see if the api key creates but as th apikey is already created and the steam servers are constantly replying Busy Iwant to know if there is a easy way of verifying this Currrent code async function createSteamApiKey() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const retryDelay = 30000; // 30 seconds const retryLimit = 1; // Retry limit let retryCount = 0; function attemptCreateKey() { if (retryCount >= retryLimit) { console.log(`Retry limit exceeded. Setting isbusy to true.`); isbusy = true; // Permanently set isbusy to true return resolve(false); // Resolve the promise to stop further execution } console.log(`Attempting to create Web API key (Attempt ${retryCount + 1})...`); const options = { domain: "localhost", identitySecret: identity }; community.createWebApiKey(options, (err, result) => { if (err) { if (err.eresult === 10) { // Busy error console.log("API busy, retrying in 30 seconds..."); retryCount++; return setTimeout(attemptCreateKey, retryDelay); } return reject(err); // Handle other errors } if (result.confirmationRequired) { console.log("Mobile confirmation is required to create the Web API key."); return resolve({ confirmationRequired: true, finalizeOptions: result.finalizeOptions }); } console.log("API key created successfully: " + result.apiKey); isbusy = false; // Reset isbusy to false if successful resolve(result.apiKey); // Resolve the promise with API key }); } attemptCreateKey(); // Start the attempt }); } Update: the steamservers only return buys if we try to create a api on top of a api the thing that was writtten in the docs has now been set to true i read the doc idk if i am blind but i didnt saw a function to delete/revoke the webapi
  9. fixed for now i guess
  10. read the mobile access token thingy
  11. can i know what is your end goal here u dont want to use the phone to approve the login am i right? You want o do it using node -steam community i think this is the closest i can guide u take a look here if this helps https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/wiki/SteamCommunity#setmobileappaccesstokenaccesstoken i think this is related to the mobile app functionality or y can wait for dc.mckay to reply here
  12. for me this error occurs when generally browsing on steam the user was using a custom link but changed it
  13. Hey when ever i login there is no confirmation as in the confirmations tab it usually requires the guard code and thats it, can u be more explanatory on how u are logging in ?
  14. How are u calling the Logon?
  15. as far as i know these class ids a permanent y dont u just save these and move forward instead request again and again????????????? This was ur original question given u have now all the assetids just save the values to the database
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