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    TheMaster got a reaction from يودا in Correct way of enabling 2FA   
    u can just add the proxies in the constructors of steam user and steamcommunity its that simple
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    TheMaster reacted to Dr. McKay in Timeout and code breaks   
    If log on succeeds, you get a loggedOn event. Check the example scripts in the GitHub repo.
  3. Thanks
    TheMaster reacted to Dr. McKay in Timeout and code breaks   
    You'd want to call logOn for any error event, likely after a delay.
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    TheMaster reacted to Dr. McKay in Timeout and code breaks   
    Catch the error event to prevent the crash, and call logOn again to kick off trying to connect.
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    TheMaster reacted to Dr. McKay in Timeout and code breaks   
    It's not mentioned in the documentation, but you only get an eresult in the error event if a Steam connection can actually be established. If you don't have an eresult proeprty, you can assume there was a network issue.
    Only you can properly decide the best course of action for your app, but if your network is down then yeah, probably all you can do is wait and retry until the network comes up.
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    TheMaster got a reaction from behzadpp in Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUN   
    steamcommunity.com's DNS records appear to have been wiped, preventing you from loading Steam Community (unless you have a cached DNS entry!).
    This was temporary and is now fixed
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