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  1. Thanks, so if I want to keep same device i should listen to machineAuthToken event and pass this value to next logOn request. I am curious what will happen when I will have refresh token that is nearly to expire and I'll get new one using renewRefreshToken, will machine auth token aka "new device" remains the same without additional actions for this session?
  2. Hi, by default steam-user generates machine ID based on account name, however after some time working with this library my steam account has a lot of different "Authorised devices" on steam settings page with names like "DESKTOP-<foobar>". All the time I was using log+pass+shared secret for logon Does machineID affect authorised devices? Does it mean that from Steam perspective every login is performed from different device? Will such behaviour affect steam account in terms of new update related to trade lock from new device? And main question - how can I authorise from same "device" for each logon request? Information from this block https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user?tab=readme-ov-file#machine-auth-tokens can be used for this purpose? How to do the same with authorisation via refresh token?
  3. Is there any known rate limits on api calls using access token? Api keys had 100k per day. Mostly interested in getOffer\getOffers but any info will be useful.
  4. Yes, for example classid 4428757074 + instanceid 188530139 + appid 730 gives either steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20S%owner_steamid%A%assetid%D17052921834481691997 or steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20S%owner_steamid%A%assetid%D5055539348984972055 both are valid and links to same item in cs game coordinator
  5. Steam inspect link for CS contains 3 params: S for owner steam id, A for asset id and some unclear param D. I noticed when you request inventory or GetAssetClassInfo this param can change for same instanceid + classid combination every request, even when item is the same. So i have this questions: Any ideas what does D means and how it is used? It is just some hash to prevent data scraping? Can we rely on any value of D received from steam for persist cache of metadata or it can change and we need to update it in cache every time? In node-steam-tradeoffer-manager there is cache mechanism that stores descriptions without TTL, so seems like inspect link for any instanceid + classid combination is actual forever, but this D param confusing me
  6. Greetings, is there any way to get invisible items from steam inventory after last update?
  7. Hi guys. After last updates related to GetOffers etc I find out that IEconService/GetTradeHistory api endpoint does not return all trades. As far as I see this is the only option how to get trades history and this endpoint only accept api key. What am I missing? Do you have any tips how we can get full trades history of account now?
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