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  1. my node.js source : client.getEncryptedAppTicket(appid,null, function(err, ti){ console.log(err); console.log(ti); }); result : { Error: Fail at Object.exports.eresultError (C:\Users\JaeWon\Desktop\node-steam-user-master\node-steam-user-master\components\helpers.js:73:12) at C:\Users\JaeWon\Desktop\node-steam-user-master\node-steam-user-master\components\appauth.js:20:21 at Object.cb (C:\Users\JaeWon\Desktop\node-steam-user-master\node-steam-user-master\components\messages.js:160:4) at CMClient._netMsgReceived (C:\Users\JaeWon\Desktop\node-steam-user-master\node-steam-user-master\node_modules\steam-client\lib\cm_client.js:321:26) at CMClient.handlers.(anonymous function) (C:\Users\JaeWon\Desktop\node-steam-user-master\node-steam-user-master\node_modules\steam-client\lib\cm_client.js:603:8) at CMClient._netMsgReceived (C:\Users\JaeWon\Desktop\node-steam-user-master\node-steam-user-master\node_modules\steam-client\lib\cm_client.js:305:24) at emitOne (events.js:96:13) at TCPConnection.emit (events.js:191:7) at TCPConnection._readPacket (C:\Users\JaeWon\Desktop\node-steam-user-master\node-steam-user-master\node_modules\steam-client\lib\tcp_connection.js:179:7) at emitNone (events.js:86:13) eresult: 2 } undefined can u help me?
  2. The Error I am Getting is var item = theirItems.market_name ^ Type:Error: Cannot read property 'market_name' of undefined it is the The Trade Offer part of my Code the Code Is Below That is to Process Their Items in the Trade Offer for (var i in theirItems) { var item = theirItems[i].market_name if (stock[item]){ currentstock = stock[item].instock; StockLimit = stock[item].stocklimit;I ahve been Creating My OWn Code and not sure why the Error i got has Occurred
  3. From this: var offer = manager.createOffer("https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=...."); manager.getInventoryContents(753, 6, true, (err, inventory, currencies) => { inventory.forEach(item => { offer.addMyItem(item); }); offer.send(); }); } I'm trying to figure out how to add items from a different inventory sections into the same trade, for example send one single trade that contains both steam(753) and csgo(730) items.. all of the things I have tried so far seems to either send one or the other but never both. edit: got it working, turned out I kept putting offer.send(); inside the bottom of the first getInventoryContents call, and not inside of the nested secondary getInventoryContents call, which was resulting in only getting the items from the first call. silly me <3
  4. Hi, I'm sorry to take your time, but I couldn't find answer myself. How can I validate email on account? I can see the method requestValidationEmail, but how to actually validate it using the code sent to my mail?
  5. client.requestFreeLicense([350870,351020,351270,351540,359080,362970,366160,366440,370580,370590,370880,377560,378180,378910,379200,380760,381570,383860,384560,386310,388520,388780,389509,393360,393480], function(err, grantedPackages, grantedAppIDs)looks like doesn't work anymore? 0 package added, callback doesn't return anything
  6. I am fairly new to nodejs and have posted other questions on this forum and i am learning a lot form this forum Question: How do i use the steam webAPI get commands with the node-steam-user, node-steamcommunity, node-steam-tradeoffer-manager, and node-steam-totp. Those are the steam npm packages i am using. The webAPI Command i want to call is: GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamEconomy/GetAssetPrices/v1/I understand it needs my apikey + appid Appid = i think it is 753_6 for to use it with trading cards i am not sure if that is even the correct webAPI caller I want it to get the names and prices of the Trading Cards and Backgrounds if possible all in a .json where i could see it at one time
  7. Is it possible to start the bot in a unknown game so it shows as game some custom text ?
  8. Hello i'm having some issues and i'm hoping somebody could help me out i'm trying to send a trade offer using the a tradetoken. t = manager.createOffer(new TradeOfferManager.SteamID(SENDER.getSteamID64(), token)) t.getUserDetails((ERR, ME, THEM) => ^Throwsis not on your Steam friends list. I'm guessing manager.getUserInventoryContents(client.steamID.getSteamID64(), keyfromgame, 2, true, (ERR, INV, CURR) => {will also throw inventory private or not in steam friends list? is there any samples about sending offers with tokens ? not entirely sure how i would go about getting there trade hold and / or getting there inventory when we ain't friends?
  9. Hello. i use method SteamCommunity.prototype.getInventoryHistory and all worked. In one moment this function return error: Error: Malformed page: no well-formed trade data found. Its error generated in line 66. I check and... xD
  10. Is there any way to get just parts of the items name? For example the market_hash_name is StatTrakâ„¢ Tec-9 | Isaac (Field-Tested). How can I get/extract just the weapon name (Tec-9) or the skin name (Isaac)? I'm sorry if this question has already been asked, I couldn't find any info about it. Thanks
  11. I want my bot to answer on chat message if my status is set to away. What did i do wrong ? client.getPersonas((client), (personas) => { if (client.persona_state == 3) { friends.sendMessage(steamID, "AFK"); console.log("Send back: AFK"); } });
  12. i have been trying to get my steam bot to do automatic buy and selling meaning that it has a stock management system and i almost got one that i created from messing around in nodejs i got it it runs the only thing i am having trouble with is an error a friend told me it might be a bug i was wandering if anyone knows what the error means Error: { Error: EBADF: bad file descriptor, write errno: -4083, code: 'EBADF', syscall: 'write' } does not stop the code it keeps going and accepts ust it has that as if it was part of the console.log command also i used jsonfile npm and colors npm modules Here is the full part of it function processOffer(offer) { if (offer.isGlitched() || offer.state === 11) { console.log("[".green+h+":".cyan+m+":".cyan+s+"] ".green+"Offer was glitched, declining."); declineOffer(offer); } else if (offer.partner.getSteamID64() === config.ownerID) { acceptOffer(offer); } else { var ourItems = offer.itemsToGive; var theirItems = offer.itemsToReceive; var ourValue = 0; var theirValue = 0; var currentstock = 0; var StockLimit = 0; for (var i in ourItems) { var item = ourItems[i].market_name; if (stock[item]){ currentstock = stock[item].instock; StockLimit = stock[item].stocklimit; if (fs.readFileSync('.//settings/Stock/stock.json')){ console.log(timestamp+"Our " +item+" - stock number: " +currentstock+ " / " +StockLimit+ ".") if (currentstock < StockLimit){ if(Prices[item]) { ourValue += Prices[item].sell; } else if (MetalPrices[item]){ ourValue += MetalPrices[item].sell; } else { console.log(timestamp+"Invalid Value."); ourValue += 99999; } } else if (currentstock >= StockLimit){ console.log(timestamp+item +" Stock Limit Reached") manager.on('receivedOfferChanged', (offer)=>{ if (adminConfig.disableAdminComments == "Enable") { community.postUserComment(offer.partner.toString(), item+ " - Stock Limit Reached", (err)=>{ if(err) throw err.message }); } }) } }; } } for(var i in theirItems) { var item= theirItems[i].market_name; if (stock[item]){ currentstock = stock[item].instock; StockLimit = stock[item].stocklimit; fs.readFileSync('.//settings/Stock/stock.json') console.log(timestamp+"The " +item+" - stock number: " +currentstock+ " / " +StockLimit+ ".") if (currentstock < StockLimit){ if(Prices[item]) { theirValue += Prices[item].buy; } else if (MetalPrices[item]){ theirValue += MetalPrices[item].buy; } else { console.log(timestamp+"Invalid Value."); theirValue += 99999; } } else if (currentstock >= StockLimit){ console.log(timestamp+item +" Stock Limit Reached") manager.on('receivedOfferChanged', (offer)=>{ community.postUserComment(offer.partner.toString(), item+ " Stock Limit Reached", (err)=>{ if(err) throw err.message }) }) } } } console.log(timestamp+"Our value: "+ourValue); console.log(timestamp+"Their value: "+theirValue); if (ourValue <= theirValue) { if (config.DevCode == "True"){ if (DevCodeCFG.Enable_Dev_Stock_Manager== "True"){ for (var i in ourItems) { var item = ourItems[i].market_name; if (stock[item]){ var file = (stock[item].instock); var obj = math.subtract(currentstock, 1) jsonfile.writeFile(file, function (err) { console.error(err) }) console.log(timestamp+' The file has been saved!'); } } for (var i in theirItems) { var item = theirItems[i].market_name; if (stock[item]){ var file = (stock[item].instock); var obj = math.add(currentstock, 1) jsonfile.writeFile(file, obj, function (err) { console.error(err) }) console.log(timestamp+' The file has been saved!'); } } } } acceptOffer(offer); } else if (ourValue > theirValue){ console.log(timestamp+"Their value was different.") declineOffer(offer); } } } If you want to try out my steam bot i got so far it is at github at github.com/LonsterMonster/Steam-Trade-Node-Bot you have to enable the developer options becasue i didnt want anyone to use the stock management that didnt know what they were doing since it is incomplete
  13. Currently there is a feature branch called appauth which contains methods for retrieving the auth session ticket (SteamUser.getAuthSessionTicket) -- does this feature work correctly? I saw in another thread that Dr. McKay was acknowledging that fetching such a ticket was not possible _after_ commits to this branch had been made. I'm interested in retrieving the auth session ticket for a game. I understand that it would be effectively impossible to circumvent certain features that fall under VAC, but in this case there are web services which use the auth session ticket which would be useful to me. Currently I'm able to receive a ticket, but presenting said ticket to the server I'm trying to talk to results in an "unauthorized" response. Anyone know if this feature is working + I'm doing something wrong, or if it's currently not working, and what needs to be done to fix it?
  14. Hey, I try to get all Invites sent by a User with the getGroupHistory function, but the actor AND the user aren't the sender. So only the receiver of the invite can be obtained.. Greetings.
  15. Hi, how can i get item pattern index using node-globaloffensive? I'm new in coding, and basically i edit the example file to achive the goal, but that node doesn't have an example file on github. Can U help me, pls)
  16. Hello I wanted to make my bot when someone adds it said "hello (name of person) thanks for adding" how do I? I only have this but I do not know how to put the person's name I have this: how to customize to show the person's name? client.on('friendRelationship', (steamid, relationship) => { if (relationship === 2) { client.addFriend(steamid);client.chatMessage(steamid, 'Hello! Thanks for add me, if you need help write !help'); console.log("You add " + (steamid)) }});
  17. bot.js: manager.on('pollFailure', function (err) { if (err) { console.log(`Error polling for trade offers ${err.message}`); console.log(formatted); // time_and_date client.logOff(); sleep.sleep(10); client.logOn(logOnOptions); } }); bot-out-0.log Logged: my_name 2017-09-23 16:42:57 Error polling for trade offers socket hang up 2017-09-23 18:42:57 Logged: my_name 2017-09-23 18:43:27 bot-error-0.log Error: Already logged on, cannot log on again at SteamUser.logOn (/home/steam/node_modules/steam-user/components/logon.js:11:9) at TradeOfferManager.<anonymous> (/home/steam/bot.js:267:10) at emitOne (events.js:96:13) at TradeOfferManager.emit (events.js:188:7) at getOffers (/home/steam/node_modules/steam-tradeoffer-manager/lib/polling.js:54:9) at _apiCall (/home/steam/node_modules/steam-tradeoffer-manager/lib/index.js:453:4) at _community.httpRequest (/home/steam/node_modules/steam-tradeoffer-manager/lib/webapi.js:32:4) at SteamCommunity._checkHttpError (/home/steam/node_modules/steamcommunity/components/http.js:90:3) at Request._callback (/home/steam/node_modules/steamcommunity/components/http.js:50:61) at self.callback (/home/steam/node_modules/request/request.js:186:22) What is wrong with this code?
  18. Hello, can you tell me, how to make conditions for: Is it possible to make a condition that immediately rejects a bid on any mistake by Steam? I tried to list (offer.state) in (console.log) and always I get = 2 (to this error message - You have logged....). function processOffer(offer) { if (offer.isGlitched() || offer.state === 11) { //console.log("Offer was glitched, declining."); declineOffer(offer); } else if (offer.partner.getSteamID64() === config.ownerID) { acceptOffer(offer); var item = ourItems[i].market_name; } else { //my_code } function acceptOffer(offer) { offer.accept((err) => { community.checkConfirmations(); //console.log("We Accepted an offer"); if (err); //console.log("There was an error accepting the offer."); }); } function declineOffer(offer) { offer.decline((err) => { //console.log("We Declined an offer"); if (err); //console.log("There was an error declining the offer."); }); } Thanks for help and answer.
  19. If i receive a message while my steam account is set to away the bot should answer 'Afk'. Im new to node.js and dont know how to code this. Please dont blame me
  20. Hey, again, the title says everything: I want to check if someone commented something on a announcement. In addition it should check if this guy invited some people. Is that possible? If not Is there a workaround? Greetings, SayWhat
  21. I am trying to get my steam bot to write to a file using the fs.write command here is what i got so far: if (stock[item]){ var item = ourItems.market_name; fs.writeFile(stock[item].instock, stock[item].instock - 1 , (err) => { if (err) throw err; console.log('The file has been saved!'); }); } but i keep getting \app.js:291 if (err) throw err; ^ Error: EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
  22. i know how to get the appid. but how can i know the contextID
  23. Hey guys, the title says pretty much everything. I try to check if a user, I have the steam id of, is in my group. Is this possible? Greetings, SayWhat
  24. Is it possible to post an hidden Announcement? community.postGroupAnnouncement("groupid", "test",function (err) { if (err) { console.log(err); }});
  25. <--- Last few GCs ---> [9212:00000230BE791410] 222793 ms: Mark-sweep 1416.0 (1509.0) -> 1416.0 (1493.0) MB, 908.0 / 0.0 ms (+ 0.0 ms in 0 steps since start of marking, biggest step 0.0 ms, walltime since start of marking 908 ms) last resort [9212:00000230BE791410] 223709 ms: Mark-sweep 1416.0 (1493.0) -> 1416.0 (1493.0) MB, 915.3 / 0.0 ms last resort <--- JS stacktrace ---> ==== JS stack trace ========================================= Security context: 000002048E91CEA9 <JSObject> 1: new constructor(aka EconItem) [C:\Users\*****\Documents\*********\*********\node_modules\steam-tradeoffer-manager\lib\classes\EconItem.js:~5] [pc=0000033EC5C265F2](this=000001FA21AD43E1 <EconItem map = 000001340AAE4441>,item=000003D861277141 <Object map = 00000127A0FEE2B9>) 4: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [C:\Users\*********\Documents\*********\*********\node_modules\steam-tradeof... FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memoryI have no idea why this is happening. Started about two-three days ago.
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