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Is there a way to set a variable of the price by using this package?




I saw there's

var Price = require("./getprice.js")
//var price = new Price(tag,craft,item,callBack) // What should i put in the callback if i want to use the price? Thanks

Price.getPrice("Vintage","Craftable","Gunslinger",function(price,priceType) {
	console.log("It's " + price + " " + priceType);

You can put a function that does something with the callback

Price.getPrice(tag, craft, itemName, (price, priceType) => {
    console.log("Price: " + price);
    console.log("Price Type: " + priceType)
  • tag : A string that includes your tag like "Vintage","Unique" and "Vintage"

  • craft: A string that includes your craft type like "Craftable" or "Non-Craftable"

  • itemName: A string that includes your items full name on BP.TF like "Taunt: Kazotsky Kick"

  • price: Price of item.

  • priceType: Type of price. Returns "key" or "ref"


I would like to recommend the OPSkins API for your pricing as you need less calls and you are not depending on another service to be online as you can save all the prices in a database or file. If you want i can provide an example code for this too


This is the code i use at the moment

"use strict";

const OPSkinsAPI = require('@opskins/api');
const opskins = new OPSkinsAPI(Your OPSkins API);
const mysql = require('mysql');

var con = mysql.createConnection({ // Your MySQL connection details
	host: '',
	user: '',
	password: '',
	database: ''

con.connect( (err) => {
	if (err) {
		throw err;
	} else {
		console.log('MySQL connected');

setInterval( () => {

	if (new Date().getHours() === 22) {

		opskins.getPriceList(730, ( (err, prices) => {
			if (err) {
			} else {
				var names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(prices);

				for (var i = 0; i <= names.length; i++) {

					var n;

					setTimeout( (i) => {

						if (i < names.length) {
							var name = '"' + names[i] + '"';
							var named = names[i];
							var date = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(prices[named]);
							var price = prices[named][date[0]].price;

							var sql = "INSERT INTO pricing(name, price) VALUES(" + name + ", " + price + ") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE price = " + price + ";";

							con.query(sql, (err) => {
								if (err) {
									throw err;
								} else {
									n = i + 1;
									console.log('Updating prices.. ' + n + '/' + names.length);

									if (n === names.length) {
										console.log('Prices updated');

					}, 10 * i, i);
}, 3600000);

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