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Posted (edited)

I got loginKey after first login with twofactorcode, and then i was loggining with this loginKey, but after time i got this error: InvalidPassword. Password was valid! I removed line with loginKey option, and typed my twofactorcode and everything is fine for the moment, why did it throw invalidPassword?


Thanks!  :)

Edited by FunnyCheeze




root@mrcheezezs:~# nodejs changer.js
Logged into Steam
loginKey: pw5pYGabvQgeVVXELEY
        "tradeofferid": "3330193051",
        "accountid_other": 284030290,
        "message": "",
        "expiration_time": 1540087147,
        "trade_offer_state": 2,
        "items_to_receive": [
                        "appid": 730,
                        "contextid": "2",
                        "assetid": "14270019102",
                        "classid": "1989275019",
                        "instanceid": "302028390",
                        "amount": "1",
                        "missing": false,
                        "est_usd": "1"
        "is_our_offer": false,
        "time_created": 1538877547,
        "time_updated": 1538877561,
        "from_real_time_trade": false,
        "escrow_end_date": 0,
        "confirmation_method": 0
        "tradeofferid": "3330193520",
        "accountid_other": 284030290,
        "message": "",
        "expiration_time": 1540087212,
        "trade_offer_state": 2,
        "items_to_give": [
                        "appid": 730,
                        "contextid": "2",
                        "assetid": "14634007808",
                        "classid": "2727227113",
                        "instanceid": "0",
                        "amount": "1",
                        "missing": false,
                        "est_usd": "2"
        "items_to_receive": [
                        "appid": 730,
                        "contextid": "2",
                        "assetid": "14270019102",
                        "classid": "1989275019",
                        "instanceid": "302028390",
                        "amount": "1",
                        "missing": false,
                        "est_usd": "1"
        "is_our_offer": false,
        "time_created": 1538877612,
        "time_updated": 1538877616,
        "from_real_time_trade": false,
        "escrow_end_date": 0,
        "confirmation_method": 0
root@mrcheezezs:~# nodejs changer.js
      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: InvalidPassword
    at SteamUser._handlers.(anonymous function) (/root/node_modules/steam-user/components/logon.js:363:16)
    at SteamUser._handleMessage (/root/node_modules/steam-user/components/messages.js:249:30)
    at emitThree (events.js:136:13)
    at CMClient.emit (events.js:217:7)
    at CMClient._netMsgReceived (/root/node_modules/steam-client/lib/cm_client.js:323:8)
    at CMClient.handlers.(anonymous function) (/root/node_modules/steam-client/lib/cm_client.js:609:8)
    at CMClient._netMsgReceived (/root/node_modules/steam-client/lib/cm_client.js:305:24)
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at TCPConnection.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at TCPConnection._readPacket (/root/node_modules/steam-client/lib/tcp_connection.js:183:7)
root@mrcheezezs:~# nodejs changer.js
      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event


Posted (edited)

When you're using a loginKey, you shouldn't send a password. That might have something to do with it.

Thanks for your answer

1. Why i got error about invalidPassword if Password not wrong?

2. Why in first account i didnt get this error?

I removed password and for this moment i didnt get this error error

Edited by FunnyCheeze

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