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I have several questions that I have been looking for an answer for a long time.

Some of my questions are more for a node js, sorry for that. And thanks in advance for your help!
If I need to decline/delete incoming offers that were not accepted in 10 minutes, would this be the right?
Maybe there are any cases, why can it be a bad option?
manager.on("newOffer", (OFFER) => {
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, $MINUTE * 10);


I have to save completed trades. If not - sometimes some of them work 2-3 times. Why?
// "pollInterval": "10000",
// "dataDirectory": "./pool_data",
// "savePollData": true

var completedTrades = [];
manager.on("sentOfferChanged", (OFFER) => {
    if (completedTrades.indexOf(OFFER.id) >= 0) {
    if (OFFER.state == 3) {

//Log: completed aborted aborted
In some trading offers I add data:
trade.data("somedataname", myvar.toString());

After i check it this way (Is this correct or can it be different?):

manager.on("sentOfferChanged", (OFFER) => {
    if (!!OFFER.data("somedataname")) {
        console.log("trade with somedataname");


If I want to make a counter offer to a user (not on the list of friends) - will it work as I am create a new offer?
manager.on("newOffer", (OFFER) => {
    let trade = OFFER.counter();
    trade.getUserDetails((ERR, BotDetails, UserDetails) => {
      OFFER.itemsToGive = [];
      OFFER.itemsToReceive = [];
      //... add items
        trade.send((ERR) => {


How can I use more than 1 appid / txid?

manager.getUserInventoryContents(SENDER, 753, 6, true, (ERR, USERINVENTORY) => {

Here I will get only Steam (753-6);

What should I do to add for example TF items (440-2)



  1. That might work, but I wouldn't recommend using it as you'd be calling decline on offers that might have already been accepted. I would use offerList and check the creation time of the offers.
  2. I don't understand the question. sentOfferChanged is being emitted multiple times for the same offer with state 3?
  3. That looks correct.
  4. Actually, no. That's a bug. As a workaround you can use getUserDetails on the original offer that you're countering. Also, you should never reassign itemsToGive or itemsToReceive. Use the add(My/Their)Item(s) methods instead.
  5. You can't. You need to call it once per appid/contextid.

Thanks for the answer.


I use:
OFFER.itemsToGive = [];
OFFER.itemsToReceive = [];
To remove all items added by the sender.





sentOfferChanged is being emitted multiple times for the same offer with state 3?

Yes. Tomorrow I will check and provide more details when this happens.

  • 8 months later...

I still have a problem using getUserDetails

Should I use getUserDetails before OFFER.counter ? Or maybe i can use for (let trade), which i create?

Could you check and tell me the best option that I should use? Thanks!

manager.on("newOffer", (OFFER=> {
    OFFER.itemsToGive = []; // removeTheirItems(OFFER.itemsToReceive);
    OFFER.itemsToReceive = []; // removeMyItems(OFFER.itemsToGive);
    //NOTE: Should I do this?
    // OFFER.getUserDetails((ERR, BotDetails, USERDETAILS) => {
    // if (ERR) return;
    // });
    //NOTE: Or:
    // OFFER.getUserDetails((ERR, BotDetails, USERDETAILS) => {
    // if (!ERR && USERDETAILS.escrowDays <= 3) {
    // let trade = OFFER.counter();
    // GoTrade(OFFER.partner, "trade", {tradedata: trade});
    // }
    // });
    GoTrade(OFFER.partnernull, {offerdata: OFFER});
client.on("friendMessage", (SENDERMSG=> {
    if (MSG == "trade") {
        GoTrade(SENDERMSG, {});
    if (MSG.indexOf("https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=">= 0) {
        GoTrade(nullnull, {tradelink: MSG});
function GoTrade(SENDERMSGOPTIONS) { // SID, MSG, { OFFER, trade or tradelink }
    let trade;
    if (OPTIONS.offerdata) {
        trade = OPTIONS.offerdata.counter();
    } else if (OPTIONS.tradelink) {
    } else if (OPTIONS.tradedata) {
        trade = JSON.stringify(tradedata);
    } else {
        trade = manager.createOffer(SENDER);
    trade.getUserDetails((ERRBotDetailsUSERDETAILS=> {
        if (ERR) {
        //NOTE: Should I do this?
        // if (ERR && !OPTIONS.offerdata) {
            if (ERR.toString().indexOf("user_inventory_hidden">= 0) {
            } else if (ERR.toString().indexOf("user_cant_trade">= 0) {
            } else if (ERR.toString().indexOf("USER_NOT_FRIEND">= 0) {
            } else {
        } else if (USERDETAILS.escrowDays > 3) {
        } else {
            // manager.getUserInventoryContents( ... ) => {
                // trade.addMyItems( ... );
                // trade.addTheirItems( ... );
                // trade.setMessage( ... );
                    // trade.send((ERR) => {

Also, I don’t understand how it works counter(). How does Steam know if I can send counter or not? Can i send more than one counteroffer usung duplicate()?


getUserDetails cannot be called unless an offer is active, so you need to use it before you send a counter offer.

Using the counter() method will return a new, unsent trade offer object which, when sent, will be sent as a counter offer. Each offer can only be countered once, so if you try to send two counter offers (either by calling counter() twice or by calling duplicate() on a counter offer), it won't work.

In essence, the ID of a trade offer sent to you can be used in place of a trade offer access token (sort of, not literally) in order to send a trade offer, but only once. Once you send one counter offer, the original offer goes into "Countered" state and it can't be countered again.

Posted (edited)

Thanks. I stopped on this option:

function GoTrade(SENDERMSGOPTIONS) { // SID, MSG, { OFFER, trade or tradelink }
    let trade;
    if (OPTIONS.offerdata) {
        // trade = OPTIONS.offerdata.counter(); // old
        trade = OPTIONS.offerdata// NEW
    } else if (OPTIONS.tradelink) {
    } else {
        trade = manager.createOffer(SENDER);
    trade.getUserDetails((ERRBotDetailsUSERDETAILS=> {
        if (ERR) {
        // ...
        } else {
            if (OPTIONS.offerdata) { // NEW
                trade = OPTIONS.offerdata.counter();
Edited by PonyExpress

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