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Logout via Chat Message


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Hey, iam work on new functions for my BOT.
I am currently working on boosting my main account via chat message to my BOT. The login works fine, but the logout does not work and I can't find the error

Here my Code:

// Boost Owners Account START
		else if (MSG.toUpperCase().indexOf("!STARTBOOST") >= 0) {
			let BoostClient = new SteamUser(),
			BoostManager = new TradeOfferManager({
				"steam": BoostClient,
				"pollInterval": "10000",
				"cancelTime": "1800000" // 30m in ms
			BoostCommunity = new SteamCommunity();
					let BoostLogOnOptions = {
						accountName: CONFIG.Boost.USERNAME,
						password: CONFIG.Boost.PASSWORD,
						twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(CONFIG.Boost.SHAREDSECRET)

					BoostClient.on("loggedOn", function() {
						BoostClient.getPersonas([BoostClient.steamID], (personas) => {
							console.log("[Boost Steam Account] - Login successfully!");
							client.chatMessage(SENDER, "[Boost Steam Account] - Login successfully!");

					BoostClient.on('webSession', (sessionid, cookies) => {
					   console.log("[Boost Steam Account] - Cookies set successfully");
					   client.chatMessage(SENDER, "[Boost Steam Account] - Cookies set successfully");
					console.log("[Boost Steam Account] - Boosting Games Active");
					client.chatMessage(SENDER, "[Boost Steam Account] - Start Boosting Games");
		else if (MSG.toUpperCase().indexOf("!STOPBOOST") >= 0) {
		    let BoostClient = new SteamUser();

			console.log("[Boost Steam Account] - Stop Boosting Games");
			client.chatMessage(SENDER, "[Boost Steam Account] - Stop Boosting Games");
		// Boost Owners Account END

It runs not in an error, but i dont log off :-(((


I hope someone can help me out... THX

Edited by CellSplitter
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