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McKay Development

Got 403 everywhere in steam on my VPS server


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Yesterday I was testing my steam bot to get my inventory and to send some offers. I had sent about 50 offers only to my main account(which I declined them all) and I fetched my inventory like 70~times. Nothing was wrong, even at the end of the testing. Today when I tried to access steam on my vps server, no matter logged or not, it gives me 403 forbidden. What did I do wrong? Did steam ban me temporary because I was pooling too much or banned the ip forever. The account seems fine, client.on("accountLimitations") returns false. I didn't do anything malicious, how to proceed if I want to run my bot on dedicated server again?


The pollings I used.


fetch friend list for their personas(did this only once yesterday)




setInterval( function() {


}, 1000*60*5


Edit: I have seems to have forget the bot running midnight, but is that really a problem?


Edit2: Loggin in is fine, just cant send offers and anything that have job with steamcommunity


Iam getting 403 from both steamcommunity and steam store but I can log in fine


Edit3: I just bought a new ip and everything works fine for now

Edited by sNIP
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