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i have windows and i test it and runs all ok but when i want to use centos 7 to run it on my server it does not work!! steam-user client.logOn does not give me error and do nothing it is so weird i have tried it into 4 different linux servers still the same what do you think the problem is? my code :


const SteamUser = require('steam-user');

var client = new SteamUser();

    accountName: 'test',
    password: 'tes',

client.on('loggedOn', () => {
    console.log('logged on');

client.on('error', (err=> {



  • 2 months later...

thank u for your response i am the same person as Amir my code is the one above and the output of debug is just there i want to use cmcclient but in version 3 i can not login in Linux it just give me this i use vpn and other things the response is the same and i use 4 different  linux centos is just the same in v3 and it did not give me any error and nothing just the debug shows me this

Getting CM list from WebAPI
API GET request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamDirectory/GetCMList/v0001/?cellid=91&format=vdf: 200

 in v4  login works fine but i can not use cmc client so i want to use v3 but the problem is that it dose not work is there any way?


but generally thank u for ur response and awsome code...

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