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McKay Development

Using Steam Inventory JSON to send Items - Assetid?

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Hello guys,


im currently getting TradingPartners Inventory from Steams Json Api like this:




In gernal, there seems to be no AssetId which i need to add the Item to the trade offer.

Some items contain the assetID in the "view Ingame" link so i could parse it.

It looks like that: steam://rungame/730/SteamID/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20S%owner_steamid%A%assetid%D7116476999790771279


So there is a assetId i could use but im not even sure if its the real Items Asset Id of my TradePartners Inventory or just from an Steam CSGO Item to display it.


Anyways, for Items like CSGO Cases, there is not even a a link which contains a assetId.


How should i provide the Item Informations which TradeOffersManager need?

Is there acually any way to use this Steam Api for the trades?



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