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node-tf2: Preview and NotEcon flags


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Hi Doctor McKay,

I've decided to revisit the problem of discovering item craftability/tradability from the info provided by the GC, but a had a question about the item flags. I was hoping you could tell me what the Preview and NotEcon flags are. From my small test sample, these flags are always set on items whose origin was "Purchased", and the NotEcon flag is set for all items whose origin was "Found in Crate".

To my original end, it seems like these flags are worthless since, from what I can tell, all non-craftable items come from store purchases, but, frustratingly, just because an item was purchased from the store does not make it uncraftable. Regardless, I'd still like to know more about the flags if you have any info on them.


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My assumption would be that the Preview flag is set on items that are temporary store previews (the "try it out" button in the Mann Co. store) and that NotEcon would be set on items that shouldn't be tradable or craftable. It seems that your experience doesn't match my assumption, which means that either your data is wrong, my assumption is wrong, or the actual values of the named flags in node-tf2 are wrong. Any of those could be possible; I don't think I got those flag names from any authoritative source.

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