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Cookies die every time ASF do RefreshSession()


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I'm running ASF, mostly to idle cards, while I'm also using the steam-user package and every time ASF refresh it's session, it kills the one I created with steam-user

== ASF LOGS ==
RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
Init() Success!


ASF and my bot are running under different IP, I tried a bunch of things including setting logonID but without success, I can't prevent my session from dying.

Any idea on how to solve this?


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2 hours ago, Dr. McKay said:

That's pretty much expected. It's not 100% clear what causes Steam to invalidate cookies, but initing a session is known to invalidate old ones.

Thank you for your answer

So there is no way to run ASF and steam-user on the same account at the same time without having to recreate a new session every 15 minutes? 

I was previously using node-steamcommunity because all I need is to get a session and cookies to request Steam endpoints and I had no problem, but then I had to move to steam-user because I need to get my wallet balance.

Alternative question then, is there a way to get an account wallet balance without using steam-user?

Thanks again!

Edited by Akaz
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