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I have some ghost items when using node-globaloffensive to retrieve inventory


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Anyone know what's up with these items? One is a CSGO Weapon Case 2, and another is an AUG Skin. They don't appear in steamcommunity or any external site, but they do show up in node-globaloffensive. They have really high inventory values, but no casket_id. They also have flags set to 24. Does anyone know what those flags mean? or more importantly, what is up with these items?

Any info would be appreciated, thanks!


  attribute: [ { def_index: 6, value: null, value_bytes: <Buffer 00 00 fa 42> } ],
  equipped_state: [],
  id: '17293822569110896676',
  account_id: 27584971,
  inventory: 3221225477,
  def_index: 36,
  quantity: 1,
  level: 1,
  quality: 1,
  flags: 24,
  origin: 8,
  custom_name: null,
  custom_desc: null,
  interior_item: null,
  in_use: false,
  style: null,
  original_id: null,
  rarity: 4,
  position: 0,
  paint_index: 125

Weapon Case 2

  attribute: [],
  equipped_state: [],
  id: '17293822569102708641',
  account_id: 27584971,
  inventory: 3221225477,
  def_index: 4001,
  quantity: 1,
  level: 1,
  quality: 4,
  flags: 24,
  origin: 8,
  custom_name: null,
  custom_desc: null,
  interior_item: null,
  in_use: false,
  style: null,
  original_id: null,
  rarity: 1,
  position: 0


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On 1/11/2023 at 4:46 AM, Dr. McKay said:

I dunno, but this wouldn't be the first time that Valve sends CEconItem "items" that aren't actually items in your inventory. Maybe either flag 8 or 16 indicates that it's not actually an inventory item.

I'm gonna guess that there's no definition of what the flags in the flags field even mean?

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No official one, no. Some of them have been reverse-engineered, but not all.

Flag 8 in TF2 is NotEcon, which indicates that the item isn't actually an economy item. In TF2, I've seen it used for contracts (which are sent in your inventory because why do it a better way?). It likely has the same meaning in CS:GO.

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