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getOffers don't work for 730appid without access token

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  • rikray_ changed the title to getOffers don't work for 730appid without access token
3 hours ago, Dr. McKay said:

This was an intentional change by Valve.


It does not respond when CS2 items are sent in the thread.(in dota2 and tf2 haven't error)

how to fix ?

steamTradeManager.on('sentOfferChanged', async function (offer, oldState) {

console.log('New Trade | ID = ' + offer.id + ' | Status = ' + offer.state);
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5 hours ago, Modep said:


It does not respond when CS2 items are sent in the thread.(in dota2 and tf2 haven't error)

how to fix ?

steamTradeManager.on('sentOfferChanged', async function (offer, oldState) {

console.log('New Trade | ID = ' + offer.id + ' | Status = ' + offer.state);

Enable the useAccessToken option.

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