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Attempting to Logon Flag


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oooo i made a flag my self when i called log on i set the "loggingon" flag to true and when the the loggon emitted i set the flag to false but didnt used the disconnected event handler to set a flag also i have some improvements to the logon function if u will consider them , what i did is i emitted and error in case of dupe logon request and returned the function this will prevent a fatal error and a crash ifu have thoughts about it lmk 

7 hours ago, Dr. McKay said:

There isn't, but you could fairly easily keep track of it yourself. When you call logOn or disconnected is emitted, it's attempting to reconnect.


    logOn(details) {
        // Delay the actual logon by one tick, so if users call logOn from the error event they won't get a crash because
        // they appear to be already logged on (the steamID property is set to null only *after* the error event is emitted).
        // Go ahead and create the Error now, so that we'll have a useful stack trace if we need to throw it.
        let alreadyLoggedOnError = new Error('Already logged on, cannot log on again');
        let alreadyConnectingError = new Error('Already attempting to log on, cannot log on again');
        process.nextTick(async () => {
            if (this.steamID) {
                console.log('Error: Already logged on');
                this.emit('error', alreadyLoggedOnError);
            if (this._connecting) {
                console.log('Error: Already attempting to log on');
                this.emit('error', alreadyConnectingError);
            this.steamID = null;
            this._connecting = true;
            this._loggingOff = false;
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