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Posted (edited)

How do I use the on 'save' and on 'read' functions? When I'm doing it like this:

const user = new SteamUser();

user.storage.on('save', function(filename, contents, callback) {
// filename is the name of the file, as a string
// contents is a Buffer containing the file's contents
// callback is a function which you MUST call on completion or error, with a single error argument

// For example:
console.log(filename, contents, callback);

user.storage.on('read', function(filename, callback) {
// filename is the name of the file, as a string
// callback is a function which you MUST call on completion or error, with an error argument and a Buffer argument

// For example:
console.log(filename, callback);

I just get the output on start of my electron app:

cellid-86[...].txt 91 (err) {
if(callback) {
callback(err || null); }

servers.json [91, 10, 9…] (err) {
if(callback) {
callback(err || null); }

So first this 'cellid-...txt' file and then the 'server.json'. But when I start an actual game via steam and close it the 'save' or 'read' event functions aren't called.

Edited by DRogue

I thought that when I start a game locally the on 'read' event gets called and I can determine from where the save game should be loaded. And when I close the game that the on 'save' event gets called and I can save the file to a cloud server or something. With "actual game" I just mean a game I bought and pressing "Play" in the Steam client.


Sorry, you're a bit confused as to what the function of the storage engine is. It isn't for Steam Cloud data (that hasn't been implemented in steam-user at all). Rather, it's for saving data generated by the module itself (for example, sentry files and server lists). By default that data is saved to a platform-specific application data path, but the storage engine allows you to redirect storage elsewhere.

Posted (edited)

Ah okay alright, thank you.


(that hasn't been implemented in steam-user at all)


Do you mean that this is something that can be implemented or would you say there's no way accessing this part of the steam client?

Edited by DRogue

My example for mysql:

user.storage.on('save', function(filename, contents, callback) {  
    connection.query('REPLACE INTO `jsteam_custom_storage` (`filename`, `content`) VALUES (?, ?);', [filename, contents], function(err, results) {
user.storage.on('read', function(filename, callback) {
    connection.query('SELECT `content` FROM `jsteam_custom_storage` WHERE `filename` = ?', [filename], function (err, results, fields) {
        if(err) {
        callback(null, results[0].content);

Please, tell me, what I need call back, when file does not exist (e. g. first start)?

Posted (edited)

Found. Now works fine.

var mysql      = require('mysql');
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
  host     : reldb_host,
  user     : reldb_user,
  password : reldb_password,
  database : reldb
  // ssl  : { ca : fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/mysql-ca.crt') }

connection.connect(function(err) {
  if (err) {
    console.error('error connecting: ' + err.stack);
  console.log('connected as id ' + connection.threadId);

user.storage.on('save', function(filename, contents, callback) {  
    connection.query('REPLACE INTO `jsteam_custom_storage` (`filename`, `content`) VALUES (?, ?);', [filename, contents], function(err, results) {
user.storage.on('read', function(filename, callback) {
    connection.query('SELECT `content` FROM `jsteam_custom_storage` WHERE `filename` = ?', [filename], function (err, results, fields) {
        if(err) {
            callback(null, results[0].content);
        } else {
            callback(new Error("File not found"));

I wanted to add init.sql, but cloudflare banned me with that.

upd: changed.

Edited by jazz

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