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Two diffrent assetid


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Why I get two diffrent assetid from getReceivedItems and LoadInventory? here is my code sample:

manager.on('sentOfferChanged', function(offer, oldState) {
	if(offer.state == TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState.Accepted) {
		 offer.getReceivedItems(function(err, items) {
                    items.some(function(item) {
  //here save item.assetid to database.

Next I do:

manager.loadInventory(730, 2, true, function(err, inventory, currencies) {
//here I get saved asseid from database and loadInventory
//item.asset_id is row from database
inventory.forEach(function(gun) {
gun.id, item.asset_id // all elements in inventory are always different but should be this same.
if(gun.assetid == item.asset_id)


Could someone tell me any tip?

Edited by jensej
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Show all your code please. And indent it properly so it's readable.

manager.on('sentOfferChanged', function(offer, oldState) {
	console.log("Offer #" + offer.id);
	if(offer.state == TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState.Accepted) {
		connection.query('SELECT `id`,`steamid` FROM `offers` WHERE `offerid` = \''+offer.id+'\' and status = 2').then(function(w) {			 	
			offer.getReceivedItems(function(err, items) {
				if(err) {
					console.log("Couldn't get received items: " + err);
				} else {
					var l = 0;
					var suma = 0;
			    	items.some(function(item) {
			    		tab_prices.some(function(ob) {
			    			if(item.market_hash_name == ob.name)
			    				if(ob.price >= 0.3)
			    					var a = { name: item.market_hash_name, img: item.icon_url, asset_id: item.id, price:ob.price, offerid: offer.id};
			                        connection.query('INSERT INTO items SET ?', a, function(err,res){
				                          if(err) throw err;
				                        suma = suma + parseFloat(ob.price);
				                        if(items.length == l)
					                        connection.query('UPDATE `offers` SET `status`= 3 WHERE `offerid`=\''+offer.id+'\' and status = 2').then(function(o){
												 if(o.changedRows == 1){
												 	var tax = suma*0.1;
												 	var pkt = suma - tax;
												 	var employee = { earned: tax, typ_wpln: 1, offers_id: offer.id};
												 	connection.query('INSERT INTO money SET ?', employee, function(err,res){
														connection.query('UPDATE `users` SET `points` = `points`+ \''+pkt+'\' WHERE `steamid`=\''+w[0].steamid+'\'').then(function({
															if(b.changedRows > 0)
															console.log('#OfferID:' + offer.id + ' #Pkt: ' + pkt + ' #SteamID: ' + w[0].steamid + ' Tax: ' + tax);	
			    				} else {
									connection.query('UPDATE `offers` SET `status`= \''+offer.state+'\' WHERE `offerid`=\''+offer.id+'\' and status = 2').then(function(o){
										console.log('#OfferID: ' + offer.id + ' #Status '+ offer.state);
	} else {
		connection.query('UPDATE `offers` SET `status`= \''+offer.state+'\' WHERE `offerid`=\''+offer.id+'\' and status = 2').then(function(o){
			console.log('#OfferID: ' + offer.id + ' #Status '+ offer.state);


		manager.loadInventory(730, 2, true, function(err, inventory, currencies) {
		    if (err)
		    else {

		        connection.query('SELECT `items`.`asset_id`,`items`.`id` as `itemid`,`items`.`steamid`,`users`.`tradelink` as `tradelnk` FROM `items` JOIN `users` ON `users`.`id` = `items`.`buyer_id` WHERE `items`.`status`= 1').then(function(row) {

		            row.forEach(function(item) {
						var offer = manager.createOffer(item.tradelnk); 
						inventory.forEach(function(gun) {
							console.log(gun.id, item.asset_id);
							if(gun.assetid == item.asset_id)
								var uniqcode = Math.random().toString(36);
								offer.send("Uniqcode:" + uniqcode, item.tradeaccess, function(err, csgo) {
			                    if (err) {
			                    	connection.query('UPDATE `items` SET `status`= 12 WHERE `id`=\''+item.itemid+'\'').then(function(o){
			                      	 var d = new Date();		
			                      	 console.log("[Data]: "+ d +" [OfferID]: " + offer.id + " [UniqCode]: " + uniqcode + " [ItemID]: " + item.itemid + " [Error]: " + err);
			                    } else
			                    	connection.query('UPDATE `items` SET `link`= \''+offer.id+'\', `status`= 2,`uniqcode`=\''+uniqcode+'\' WHERE `id`=\''+item.itemid+'\'').then(function(o){			                      	
			                      		var d = new Date();		
			                      	 	console.log("[Data]: "+ d +" [OfferID]: " + offer.id + " [UniqCode]: " + uniqcode + " [ItemID]: " + item.itemid );	                     	 



		});}, 30000);

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