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Different receipt and real Asset ID's

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Probably this is not an issue of node-steam-tradeoffer-manager, but just a "wonderful steam" glitch. Nevertheless, it is a very strange one and extremely bad one. When our bot's receive the items (when the bot's sentoffer is accepted) the items assetids in the receipt (and also in our database of course) doesn't always match the actual asset id's in steam bot inventory. 

This hasn't ever happened before, but it began like about 1 week ago. Before, our system was running for about half year without troubles.

I have manually rechecked the trade offers, which used to return wrong assetid's for items, and those assetid's do actually exist in receipt, but in steam inventory, it show's up with completely different assetid.

Have anyone ever encountered this issue before?
What are the possible ways to solve it?


Have to clarify a little bit - This has happened now about like 5 times. It is a very rare case, but a case nevertheless. Usually, when this happens, not all of the item's Asset ID's a different, but just a few, usually 1 or 2 out of whole offer. For example, there are 10 items in the receipt. 8 Items from the receipt are with correct Asset ID's and 2 items assetid's wouldn't match the real one's in inventory.

To get the items "getReceivedItemsAsync" function is used. Async, because using bluebird promises library.

Edited by zerga
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How do you know that specific items map to a different asset ID, if the asset ID reported by the receipt exists?

I know that those specific items from receipt map to different asset ID's than shown in receipt, just by simply recalculating/rechecking all items that exists bots and database. Let's say, I know there must be 100 items with specific assetids in bot, but somehow there is only 98 and 2 assetid's are not found (even though, bot has 100 items). So, the 2 assetid's that are not found, are the items which assetid's are incorrect. Also, by item's name, float (if such exist), stickers, and etc..


Also, steam stores item's asset id's in steam's trade history HTML <a> href links. In the HTML, it also shows invalid Asset ID. Adding an example of what I am talking about http://i.imgur.com/RpDI7ST.png


Just recently found out there was a v2.6.0 update in which you added TradeOffer#getExchangeDetails. Should I start using this method instead of getReceivedItems?


I also, made an edit to my original post, with more clarification.

Edited by zerga
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When the issue happens, the item IS successfully transfered to the bot's account and does exist in the inventory, BUT in the receipt it says that item X has been assigned an asset ID of 12345, when in reality its completely different 98765. Does that make it any clearer now?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah. Unfortunately, that just happens sometimes because Valve sucks. You'll just have to figure out ways to deal with it.

Any idea how? If i recheck the offerid.. i always get the wrong assetid for a a specific item from getReceivedItems. The real assetid can i found manually at the API http://steamcommunity.com/inventory/STEAMID/730/2?l=english&count=1000 


i've also tryed getExchangeDetails.. but "new_assetid" is also the wrong assetid. And there's no "rollback_new_assetid"


Is there an other way to get the real assetid through the tradeoffer-manager lib?


EDIT: what i figured out. I've got 3 Trades who happend this today/yesterday. It's always the first item of the trade. Steam api sucks like hell. I really don't know how to handle it correctly. 


The first indicator is that one assetid is wrong on offer.send and you only receive error 26. But not which assetid is wrong.



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  • 2 weeks later...


How did you deal with it? 



Any idea how? If i recheck the offerid.. i always get the wrong assetid for a a specific item from getReceivedItems. The real assetid can i found manually at the API http://steamcommunity.com/inventory/STEAMID/730/2?l=english&count=1000 


i've also tryed getExchangeDetails.. but "new_assetid" is also the wrong assetid. And there's no "rollback_new_assetid"


Is there an other way to get the real assetid through the tradeoffer-manager lib?


EDIT: what i figured out. I've got 3 Trades who happend this today/yesterday. It's always the first item of the trade. Steam api sucks like hell. I really don't know how to handle it correctly. 


The first indicator is that one assetid is wrong on offer.send and you only receive error 26. But not which assetid is wrong.



Could you clarify this "The first indicator is that one assetid is wrong on offer.send and you only receive error 26. But not which assetid is wrong."?

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