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Dr. McKay

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Posts posted by Dr. McKay

  1. 2 hours ago, m.tsa said:

    I apologize for my dumb question sir, but I haven't found it anywhere else.

    What is the specific error that I should listen for when I need to logOn again?
    ATM I'm only using community.on("sessionExpired") to call webLogon to refresh the cookies on community and trade manager, with the client.on("webSession") event btw.


    The 'error' event.

  2. 15 hours ago, JAHMCR said:

    I'm trying to filter "backpack.tf" listings based on an inventory items, but I'm not sure how to get a "defindex" or any other way to map the item from CEconItem.

    I know the Steam WebAPI provides a "IEconItems_440" method to get the player items with relevant information like a "defindex", is there any special reason why you are not using this?

    You can't really reliably do it. There are some community endpoints that include app_data on the item description, which does contain def_index, but not all have that.

    steam-tradeoffer-manager isn't using IEconItems_440 because that's a TF2-specific interface and steam-tradeoffer-manager is meant to work with any Steam app.

  3. 2 hours ago, JAHMCR said:

    Just replaced "SteamID.fromIndividualAccountID(76561198024816553)" with "76561198024816553" for testing and it worked fine, was I using "SteamID.fromIndividualAccountID()" wrong?

    Yes, 76561198024816553 is a full SteamID, not an account ID. An account ID is what you see in a [U:1:46143802] ID (46143802 is the account ID).

  4. On 4/13/2024 at 7:54 AM, Ryuu said:

    Aren't you taking similar risks when logging in with steam in any website?

    No. When you sign into a site using Steam OpenID, the site only gets your SteamID and nothing more. Certainly not an access token.

    On 4/13/2024 at 7:54 AM, Ryuu said:

    They also use an app you can download and use to trade, which also gives them full control of everything including running an exe file on your pc. Many other markets such as Waxpeer also do it. I've been selling on those markets for years so it's a risk I'm willing to take

    That's great. I'm still not going to help you compromise your own account.

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