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McKay Development

Dr. McKay

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Posts posted by Dr. McKay

  1. I refactored the WebAPI client to use a different HttpClient so that I could add a timeout to it, but then forgot why I refactored it in the first place. 5.0.4 adds the timeout, which should fix the issue.

    Sharing the CM list across multiple instances wouldn't be a bad idea, but it's not something I've got time for right now.

  2. https://steamerrors.com/87

    AccountLoginDeniedThrottle = "login attempt failed, try to throttle response to possible attacker". I don't know exactly what that means, but given the similarity to AccountLogonDenied (which is the code used when you need to provide an email code), it seems likely that it happens if you try to log on too many times without providing a valid email code.

    11 hours ago, Panp858 said:

    I noticed that for accounts with mobile steam guard, no machineAuthToken is generated and stored. Is this correct?

    Yes, this is expected behavior. Machine auth tokens are only issued for accounts that are using email Steam Guard.

  3. This is a known incompatibility in Electron that the Electron team has acknowledged and refused to fix.

    Package maintainers cannot consider all possible incompatibilities in all possible runtime environments; you'd do well to only use third-party modules in your main process rather than in a Node-enabled renderer process. You're ultimately trying to run code written for Node.js in an environment that's only mostly API-compatible with Node.js.

    I'll try to add a workaround when I get to it.

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