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Dr. McKay

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Posts posted by Dr. McKay

  1. To be more specific (and I should really make some kind of wiki with this information), classid and instanceid are used to identify a description, not an item. A description is the item's display information. Two identical items will most likely have identical classid/instanceid; this means that using classid and instanceid to track a specific unique item really won't work.


    It would be like trying to use a car's make, model, and color to track that unique car. Sure you'll get close, but you won't always find that exact car. You want its license plate or VIN for that (assetid).


    var offer = manager.createOffer("[U:1:46143802]");
    offer.addMyItem({"appid": 440, "contextid": 2, "assetid": "1234567890"});
    offer.send("Hi there", "KYworVTM", function(err, status) {
        if (err) {
        } else {
            console.log("Offer #" + offer.id + " " + status);


    Something like that, where [u:1:46143802] is my SteamID and KYworVTM is my trade token.

  3. If err is defined, the offer will never have an ID. Sometimes an offer can actually go through after send() gets an error, but that's just Steam and there isn't any real way we can track that.


    What I'm saying is that if err isn't undefined, then Steam told us that the offer failed to be sent. If it actually got sent, it'll appear in the API later but you won't have its ID as Steam didn't give it to us when we sent it.


    That's where the unknownOfferSent event comes in.

  4. Any new Steam account will be unable to trade entirely for 15 days, since you need SG enabled for 15 days in order to trade.


    A sentry file is how Steam remembers a "device" for Steam Guard. You'll get sent one when you login without one, and you should save it and use it for subsequent logins. node-steam-user does this for you.


    You can't bypass the 15-day waiting period for Steam Guard. Trade holds (which last for 15 days) can be disabled by enabling the mobile authenticator. Once the mobile authenticator is enabled, after you wait 7 days, trade holds go away. You can wait out the 7 days at the same time as the 15 days.


    So the quickest way to get a new Steam account tradable is to verify its email and immediately enable the mobile authenticator. Once done, it will be able to trade in 15 days.

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