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McKay Development

Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. Using the GetPlayerBans endpoint is going to be your best bet. There's no event for it.
  2. That all looks fine to me at a glance. I'd look into whether it's actually possible to set cookies the way you are in a fetch request in a browser extension; that may be blocked for some reason.
  3. RequestStoreSalesData -> RequestStoreSalesDataUpToDateResponse sounds a lot like there's some local caching involved. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the game, then see if it receives more data.
  4. That's not a valid solution because consumer code that (correctly) calls logOn in response to an error event will enter an infinite loop.
  5. From the Dota GC, most likely.
  6. Using classids yourself is almost never a great idea. You'll run into tons of pairs of items that have identical descriptions but different classids. It's much better to use market_hash_name to uniquely identify a "kind" of item (that's what the Steam market uses, after all).
  7. There isn't, but you could fairly easily keep track of it yourself. When you call logOn or disconnected is emitted, it's attempting to reconnect.
  8. Why? This seems like a bad idea.
  9. It's completely expected that you'd get undefined in your inventory variable, since the result is passed to the callback and not returned by the method.
  10. I haven't tested it in years, but timestampTwoFactorEnabled should be non-null if you have mobile 2FA enabled.
  11. Either works, but using steamcommunity is "better" since it more closely mimics how the official mobile app works. steam-user just happens to work but may break at any time (though it's been working since 2FA came out, so seems pretty unlikely that it'll break).
  12. If log on succeeds, you get a loggedOn event. Check the example scripts in the GitHub repo.
  13. Why do you have a stray / at the end of your GetPasswordRSAPublicKey request? It's probably interpreting that as part of the account name.
  14. You'd want to call logOn for any error event, likely after a delay.
  15. Catch the error event to prevent the crash, and call logOn again to kick off trying to connect.
  16. https://steamerrors.com/5
  17. Check the x-eresult header.
  18. Not at the moment.
  19. You should not be sending this stuff in the query string; it needs to go in a POST body.
  20. It's not mentioned in the documentation, but you only get an eresult in the error event if a Steam connection can actually be established. If you don't have an eresult proeprty, you can assume there was a network issue. Only you can properly decide the best course of action for your app, but if your network is down then yeah, probably all you can do is wait and retry until the network comes up.
  21. Update to 2.11.5 and this should work properly. In previous versions it checks if the new value === the old value, which it would in this case since it's the same object reference.
  22. If you can renew it, no reason not to. But I believe that once it's invalid for logins, it's no longer valid for renewing either.
  23. I'm not aware of any usage-count limit. Get a new one.
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