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  1. It was an error that was before getExchangeDetails, I fix it. But now getExchangeDetails, if I print the receivedItems it only print the hour. Here is the code and the output: offer.getExchangeDetails(function (err, status, receivedItems){ if(err){ console.log("probando error"); } else{ console.log(receivedItems); } });Output 2017-08-06T13:50:17.000Z
  2. Or better. Could you do me a "getExchangeDetails" for getting the "receivedItems" please? Forget the code above
  3. undefined:1 [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] ^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1 Only logs this. Thanks <3
  4. Thank you for your answer, but I really don't know how to use it. It was an example what I have used. I only want to get the receivedItems as an array, but I don't know how to use getExchangeDetails, can you give me an example? Thanks
  5. Hello, I'm using this to get "getExchangeDetails" but it always give me undefined:1 [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] ^ This is the code, thank you! offer.getExchangeDetails(function(err, status, tradeInitTime, receivedItems, sentItems) { if(!err){ console.log("Trade status is " + status + ", init time " + tradeInitTime + ", and we received " + receivedItems.length + " items and sent " + sentItems.length + " items."); }else{ err; } });
  6. request('http://steamcommunity.com/market/priceoverview/?currency=1&appid=730&market_hash_name='+YOUR_MARKET_HASH_NAME, function (e, r, body){ var req_data = JSON.parse(body); lowPrice = req_data['lowest_price']; }); Use this to get the lowest price.
  7. Hello, how can I know the assetid of a item received? I use itemsToReceived on sentOfferChanged, but I returns the old assetid, not the new one from the accepted trade. Some solution? Thanks
  8. Hello, I use offer.addMyItems(temp); It gives me the following error: { Error: There was an error sending your trade offer. Please try again later. (26) The thing is that I can send this items manually but with the addMyItems no. This is the array, maybe there's an error? Thanks. [ { assetid: 'Foo', market_hash_name: 'Glove Case', price: 0, appid: 730, contextid: '2' }, { assetid: 'Foo', market_hash_name: 'MAC-10 | Silver (Factory New)', price: 0, appid: 730, contextid: '2' }, { assetid: 'Foo', market_hash_name: 'Nova | Sand Dune (Field-Tested)', price: 0, appid: 730, contextid: '2' }, { assetid: 'Foo', market_hash_name: 'Nova | Sand Dune (Field-Tested)', price: 0, appid: 730, contextid: '2' }, { assetid: 'Foo', market_hash_name: 'P90 | Sand Spray (Field-Tested)', price: 0, appid: 730, contextid: '2' }, { assetid: 'Foo', market_hash_name: 'USP-S | Night Ops (Minimal Wear)', price: 0, appid: 730, contextid: '2' }, { assetid: 'Foo', market_hash_name: 'Glove Case', price: 0, appid: 730, contextid: '2' } ]
  9. Hello, I need to know how to detect if a sent offer was accepted. Thanks
  10. Hello, how can I get the appID of a offer? And for example if a sent offer has a item of appid: 730, and other from appid: 888 return null? Thank you!
  11. Thanks you so much, but how? I don't found any function
  12. And the summary box that appears on edit profile?
  13. Steamapis.com has really good prices and they prevent price scams, I think that they are one of the cheapest api and they have a premade bot that accept all overpay offers. Look at https://github.com/pepzwee/steam-overpay-bot
  14. Hi! It's there a way to edit the profile summary and edit too the custom info box? Thank you.
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