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Everything posted by Nacho

  1. It was an error that was before getExchangeDetails, I fix it. But now getExchangeDetails, if I print the receivedItems it only print the hour. Here is the code and the output: offer.getExchangeDetails(function (err, status, receivedItems){ if(err){ console.log("probando error"); } else{ console.log(receivedItems); } });Output 2017-08-06T13:50:17.000Z
  2. Or better. Could you do me a "getExchangeDetails" for getting the "receivedItems" please? Forget the code above
  3. undefined:1 [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] ^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1 Only logs this. Thanks <3
  4. Thank you for your answer, but I really don't know how to use it. It was an example what I have used. I only want to get the receivedItems as an array, but I don't know how to use getExchangeDetails, can you give me an example? Thanks
  5. Hello, I'm using this to get "getExchangeDetails" but it always give me undefined:1 [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] ^ This is the code, thank you! offer.getExchangeDetails(function(err, status, tradeInitTime, receivedItems, sentItems) { if(!err){ console.log("Trade status is " + status + ", init time " + tradeInitTime + ", and we received " + receivedItems.length + " items and sent " + sentItems.length + " items."); }else{ err; } });
  6. request('http://steamcommunity.com/market/priceoverview/?currency=1&appid=730&market_hash_name='+YOUR_MARKET_HASH_NAME, function (e, r, body){ var req_data = JSON.parse(body); lowPrice = req_data['lowest_price']; }); Use this to get the lowest price.
  7. Hello, how can I know the assetid of a item received? I use itemsToReceived on sentOfferChanged, but I returns the old assetid, not the new one from the accepted trade. Some solution? Thanks
  8. Hello, I use offer.addMyItems(temp); It gives me the following error: { Error: There was an error sending your trade offer. Please try again later. (26) The thing is that I can send this items manually but with the addMyItems no. This is the array, maybe there's an error? Thanks. [ { assetid: 'Foo', market_hash_name: 'Glove Case', price: 0, appid: 730, contextid: '2' }, { assetid: 'Foo', market_hash_name: 'MAC-10 | Silver (Factory New)', price: 0, appid: 730, contextid: '2' }, { assetid: 'Foo', market_hash_name: 'Nova | Sand Dune (Field-Tested)', price: 0, appid: 730, contextid: '2' }, { assetid: 'Foo', market_hash_name: 'Nova | Sand Dune (Field-Tested)', price: 0, appid: 730, contextid: '2' }, { assetid: 'Foo', market_hash_name: 'P90 | Sand Spray (Field-Tested)', price: 0, appid: 730, contextid: '2' }, { assetid: 'Foo', market_hash_name: 'USP-S | Night Ops (Minimal Wear)', price: 0, appid: 730, contextid: '2' }, { assetid: 'Foo', market_hash_name: 'Glove Case', price: 0, appid: 730, contextid: '2' } ]
  9. Hello, I need to know how to detect if a sent offer was accepted. Thanks
  10. Hello, how can I get the appID of a offer? And for example if a sent offer has a item of appid: 730, and other from appid: 888 return null? Thank you!
  11. Thanks you so much, but how? I don't found any function
  12. And the summary box that appears on edit profile?
  13. Steamapis.com has really good prices and they prevent price scams, I think that they are one of the cheapest api and they have a premade bot that accept all overpay offers. Look at https://github.com/pepzwee/steam-overpay-bot
  14. Hi! It's there a way to edit the profile summary and edit too the custom info box? Thank you.
  15. manager.loadUserInventory(steamID, 730, 2, true, (err, theirInv) => { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { ...Then I stringify because I need to save it on a JSON, in the .JSON file I saw that market_hash_name didn't appeared.
  16. Yes, I did it const manager = new TradeOfferManager({ steam: client, domain: 'localhost', language: 'en', pollInterval: 10000 });
  17. Hello, when I load a user inventory it doesn't return me the market_hash_name. It only gives me the id, assetid, appid, contextid and amount. Thank you!
  18. Hello, how can I add all user items for example for appID 730 with addTheirItems(theiritems) or addTheirItem(theirItem) ? Thank you!
  19. I'd like to know how to do that, or at least to have the friends list to select one randomly. Thanks!
  20. Hello, I perfom in bash npm install node-community but it gives me this error ERR! 404 Registry returned 404 for GET on https://registry.npmjs.org/node-steamcommunityERR! 404 ERR! 404 'node-steamcommunity' is not in the npm registry.ERR! 404 You should bug the author to publish it (or use the name yourself!)ERR! 404 ERR! 404 Note that you can also install from aERR! 404 tarball, folder, http url, or git url. Thanks
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