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  1. Hi Doc, Can you please explain more about what you mean with everything going through the CM now? My node-steam-community suddenly broke about a month ago. I wasn't sure if it was my Node version or something else. Did steam update their chat API causing it the SteamCommunity module to fail? And if so how can I bypass this? Thanks...
  2. Hi Doc, My session almost always loses their connection to steam after sometime. Does node-steam-user automatically try to restore that connection? And if not how can I do this myself? Thanks.
  3. Hi, Is there a way to get the Steam ID of my partner after the trade is `Accepted`? I usually see this when I log the `offer` variable: partner: SteamID { universe: 1, type: 1, instance: 1, accountid: 347915927 } But his account ID is `76561198308181655` and not `347915927`. Am I missing something? Thanks.
  4. Hi Doc, For this API: http://steamcommunity.com/inventory/76561198291430376/730/2 - do you have any idea how much is the call limit per IP? And I think I've read that if you send cookies - that you can bypass this limit? Is there a library you would recommend? And is this function getInventoryContents Does that use the API link described above? Thanks.
  5. Is it possible to skip it to the next code?
  6. Hi, When I quickly do login/relogin whenever I reload my node app, it sometimes asks for the steam guard code despite having steam totp (both secrets) supplied. Emphasis on sometimes. Why would that be? Thanks.
  7. Hi, Would just like to ask if there is a method to cancel the trade? I noticed there is a method `getOffers` to get all active trades (1) , but I don't see where I can manually cancel the trade? Is there a way to do that? Thanks.
  8. Hi, Does anyone know of a 3rd party API that can get the market prices and consider it's Float and Phase? Really appreciate answers.. Thanks. And does anyone know if Steamanalyst can track the prices of items with different Float and Phase ?
  9. Closed question.
  10. For #1 : I'd like to know both please. Did you hack some methods together in order not to login through steam? (I understood logging through the site is the only way) For #2: Ok I get it.. Thanks. But how many times does it poll? Doesn't steam have a limit on that?
  11. Hi Doc, I'm just really curious, with the scarcity of proper documents on how to use the Steam API here's some general questions I got. 1. From scratch how do you build the login through steam? I know the implementation of logging in through steam using the site, but how do you do it programatically? 2. How do you listen for trade offers? Does steam have websockets that will send to your account? Thanks alot
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