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  1. solved. i should try to do this after i get my bot apiKey.
  2. there is the another way i do this . client.addFriend("76561198253857131", function (err, name) { if(err){ console.log(err); return; }else { console.log("用户å:",name); } }); but it also seems not work. does someone help me. thinks a lot.
  3. the following is my code. client.on('friendRelationship', function (steamID, relationship) { if (relationship == SteamUser.Steam.EFriendRelationship.RequestRecipient){ steamID == "76561198253857131"; client.addFriend(steamID); } }) for example.my friend's SteamID64 is 76561198253857131. but the code seems not executed. how to deal with the pro.
  4. you follow in Steam? does it means your friend in your steam friendlist?
  5. thx a lot, i know the difference. it should be addTheirItem(s) or addMyItem(s) method, if we want to get the offer's info we should use itemsToReceive, and we use the two method to set transfer info.
  6. and if i want to get the items in the offer i send to others. which method i should to use
  7. i know how to get the appid. but how can i know the contextID
  8. i realized the most web if we want send the offer, the user's offerurl is provided by themself, i just want get the token parameter. Is there any way to get it?
  9. Just remove the code if you just want send 1 item. offer.addMyItems(inventory); have a try!
  10. Hi all, i need your help. i can't get the token when i want to send others a offer. which method i need to use. thanks a lot. var offer = manager.createOffer(offSteamID); var accountid = offer.partner.accountid; console.log(accountid);
  11. did someone Encountered the case. when i login the steam. it prompt Error: Access Denied at SteamCommunity.<anonymous> (/Users/ltmacmini/Desktop/SteamBot/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager-master/node_modules/steamcommunity/components/webapi.js:15:20) Does someone can help me? thanks a lot.
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