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Everything posted by mouzes1

  1. Hi guys, I am wondering which is the right way to handle bot log out 1 .We have to Logout the bot: bot.logOff(); 2 .Stop confirmation checker: community.stopConfirmationChecker(); 3. Stop polling: offer.shutdown(); Am I missing something?
  2. Hi Dr. McKay fixed it with update on node version. Thanks. Hi TomYoki Why not to run gambling site?
  3. When I try to use newest version of steam-user I got this error: /node_modules/steam-client/node_modules/mckay-steam-resources/steam_language_parser/index.js:8 process.chdir(languagePath); ^ Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, uv_chdir at Error (native) at Object.<anonymous> (/node_modules/steam-client/node_modules/mckay-steam-resources/steam_language_parser/index.js:8:9) at Module._compile (module.js:410:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:417:10) at Module.load (module.js:344:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:301:12) at Module.require (module.js:354:17) at require (internal/module.js:12:17) at Object.<anonymous> /nodejs/node_modules/steam-client/node_modules/mckay-steam-resources/index.js:83:1) at Module._compile (module.js:410:26)
  4. Is there a way that I can make contra offer without trade url or friendship with user. It is possible in steam. Here is the case: 1. User know bot trade url and send him trade offer. 2. Bot receive the offer and user is not in bot friends list. 3. Bot send him contra offer with bot items and user's items without knowing user's trade url.
  5. Here is the case 1. First trade offer I am sending from bot to user item 'CS:GO Case Key' but he does not accepting it yet 2. Second trade was requested and bot sending to user2 item 'CS:GO Case Key' but it is in trade offer 1 two. 3. And when some of the users accept trade offer one of offers is in "InvalidItems" state. How can I prevent this? Is there a property in CEconItem which tell us that item is in trade already? Something like this (dummy code): offers[roundBot].loadInventory(730, 2, true, function (err, myItems) { for (var i = 0; i < myItems.lenght; i++) { if (myItems[i].isAvailable == 1) { itemsToSendArray.push(myItems[i]); } } }
  6. When bot have new offer request I want to know some details for partner. I got offer object but there I can only get offer.partner which is SteamID object I want to check if he is in my friend list and to check if his steam guard is activate (getSteamGuardDetails). And if not to reject offer. How can I do that? Thanks
  7. Does anyone know how can I use is.steam.rip webhooks? I am looking for some api who can notify me when steam is down I don't want to ping it any second to get current status. Thanks
  8. sentOfferChanged listener don't trigger on mobile confirmation state. Scenario: - Send trade offer from bot (offer is with status Active) - Log in to steam as User and Accept offer -> receive message "You have to confirm in mobile app" -> offer state should be OfferNeedMobileConfirmation but sentOfferChanged don't do anything. With receivedOfferChanged everything works just fine the problem is only with sentOfferChanged.
  9. Ok I found how to get offer I saw TradeOfferManager.prototype.getOffer, question for Resend offer still remains.
  10. I am wondering how to get offer in later stage. Is there some call that I can make to retrieve offer based on offerId or something else? For example I want to Cancel specific offer at some point in time. What i do now is to add all offers in array and get offer from array based on key(offerId) but when i restart my node.js i loose all offers in that array. Also is there something like Resend offer? Thanks.
  11. From time to time (I think when more time has elapsed) webLogOn won't work properly, i have to wait for about 3-4 minutes (with message HTTP error 401) to send trade offer. Example debug output: .................................................. info: Offer type receive----Error: HTTP error 401info: Resend because of error ----Error: HTTP error 401info: Offer type receive----Error: HTTP error 401info: Resend because of error ----Error: HTTP error 401info: Offer type receive----Error: HTTP error 401info: Resend because of error ----Error: HTTP error 401info: Offer type receive----Error: HTTP error 401info: Resend because of error ----Error: HTTP error 401info: Logged into Steam as xxxxxdebug: Got web sessiondebug: Trade offer cookies set. Got API Key: xxxxxx My send offer function: function sendOffer(offer, tradeToken, offerType, socketClient, bot, gameId) { offer.send('', tradeToken, function (err) { if (err) { bot.webLogOn(function (sessionID, newCookie) { getSteamAPIKey({ sessionID: sessionID, webCookie: newCookie }, function (err, APIKey) { offers.setup({ sessionID: sessionID, webCookie: newCookie, APIKey: APIKey }); }); }); logger.info('Offer type ' + offerType + '----' + err); if (err == 'Error: HTTP error 401' || err == 'Error: HTTP error 503') { logger.info('Resend because of error ----' + err); sendOffer(offer, tradeToken, offerType, socketClient, bot, gameId); } else { if (offerType == 'receive') { console.log('receive' + err); socketClient.emit('send-offer-error', err); } } } else { ....... });}
  12. Thanks. Yes I am using steam-tradeoffer-manager, but what are my options if i don't want to pay that price, can i use some other module? My goal is to send and receive trades i don't want to use market.
  13. I am wondering what is the bast way to manage multiple bots. Currently I am creating multiple instances for example: var client1= new SteamUser();// Sign into Steamclient1.logOn({ accountName: config.client1.username, password: config.client1.password, twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(config.client1.secret)}); var client2= new SteamUser();// Sign into Steamclient2.logOn({ accountName: config.client2.username, password: config.client2.password, twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(config.client1.secret)}); Is this the best way to do that? Also do i need apy key for each bot? To retrieve the api key from steam i have to make purchase for 5$, but if I have 100 bots, have to pay 500$. Steam -> "You will be granted access to Steam Web API keys when you have games in your Steam account." If i try to login and add cookies i have this error: 'error: Unable to set trade offer cookies: Error: Access Denied'
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