I found the problem. Unfortunately I did not find a solution. I debugged these editProfile() requests and I got something like this: #1 Request: EndPoint: edit Url: /profiles/76561198470762397 Form:
{ sessionID: 'b7fc5c8cd58708f8122da81c',
type: 'profileSave',
weblink_1_title: '',
weblink_1_url: '',
weblink_2_title: '',
weblink_2_url: '',
weblink_3_title: '',
weblink_3_url: '',
personaName: 'Some title',
real_name: '',
country: '',
state: '',
city: '',
customURL: '',
summary: '',
primary_group_steamid: '0' }
#2 Request: On the second request I have correct Form, but I have the same URL. /profiles/76561198470762397 The problem is that we cache profileURL and do not delete it after another login() function. I created a pull request with simple fix. Hope this will help somebody. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/pull/130