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Everything posted by TextDynasty
if (message.substring(0,8) == '!accept '){ var offerid = message.substring(8); manager.getOffer(offerid, function(offer) { offer.accept(false, function(error, status) { if (error) { logger.error(`| OFFER RECEIVED |: ID#${offer.id} has failed trying to accept it. Reason: Offer is no longer valid.`); return; } else if (status === 'pending') { logger.info(`| OFFER NEEDS CONFIRM | : ID#${offer.id} is accepted but needs confirmation`); community.acceptConfirmationForObject(config.identity_secret, offer.id); } }) }) }Is this what you mean by getOffer? It has this error offer.accept(false, function(error, status) { ^ TypeError: Cannot read property 'accept' of null at C:\Users\lokin\OneDrive\桌面\item933\app.js:188:15 at Helpers.checkNeededDescriptions (C:\Users\lokin\OneDrive\桌面\item933\node_modules\steam-tradeoffer-manager\lib\index.js:437:4) at Object.exports.checkNeededDescriptions (C:\Users\lokin\OneDrive\桌面\item933\node_modules\steam-tradeoffer-manager\lib\helpers.js:90:3) at _apiCall (C:\Users\lokin\OneDrive\桌面\item933\node_modules\steam-tradeoffer-manager\lib\index.js:431:11) at SteamCommunity._community.httpRequest (C:\Users\lokin\OneDrive\桌面\item933\node_modules\steam-tradeoffer-manager\lib\webapi.js:61:3) at Request._callback (C:\Users\lokin\OneDrive\桌面\item933\node_modules\steamcommunity\components\http.js:67:15) at Request.self.callback (C:\Users\lokin\OneDrive\桌面\item933\node_modules\request\request.js:185:22) at Request.emit (events.js:182:13) at Request.<anonymous> (C:\Users\lokin\OneDrive\桌面\item933\node_modules\request\request.js:1161:10) at Request.emit (events.js:182:13) Press any key to continue . . .
Hi, so I wrote a few codes to my bot to make it send me a message with offer id included once there's a need for the background check. But I don't know how or is there a way to make it accept the trade offer through providing the trade offer id to the bot. const parseAdminMessage = (message) =>{ if (message.substring(0,8) == '!accept '){ var offerid = message.substring(8); console.log(offerid); //It can show the correct offerid here but i dont know how to make it accept the trade by the offerid } //This is what I used to accept normal trade offer with the offer status const acceptTradeOffer = (offer) => { offer.accept(false, function(error, status) { if (error) { logger.error(`| OFFER RECEIVED |: ID#${offer.id} has failed trying to accept it. Reason: Offer is no longer valid.`); return 'Badass'; } else if (status === 'pending') { logger.info(`| OFFER NEEDS CONFIRM | : ID#${offer.id} is accepted but needs confirmation`); var confCount = 0; function confirm(idSecret, idOffer) { community.acceptConfirmationForObject(idSecret, idOffer, function(error) { confCount++ if (error) { if (confCount < 4) { confirm(idSecret, idOffer); } else { logger.error(error); logger.fail(`| OFFER RECEIVED | : ID#${offer.id} has failed trying to confirm it. Reason: Offer is no longer valid.`); return 'done'; } } else { return 'done'; } }); } confirm(config.identity_secret, offer.id); } else { return 'done'; } }); }
Is there any open source code for deleting the crates automatically?
I was expecting using ingame currencies
Oh i think it is not suitable for tf2 trading
That would be great if you could provide help
Is there a way to set a variable of the price by using this package? https://github.com/tarikkiziltan/getPrice I saw there's var Price = require("./getprice.js") //var price = new Price(tag,craft,item,callBack) // What should i put in the callback if i want to use the price? Thanks Price.getPrice("Vintage","Craftable","Gunslinger",function(price,priceType) { console.log("It's " + price + " " + priceType); })
It happens everytime i test it, doesn't seems to be steam problem?
How can i use the bp.tf api to get my listing price and community price
Need Some Help with the problem { Error: The request is a duplicate and the action has already occurred in the past, ignored this time The Code i am using function craftScrap(){ manager.getInventoryContents(440, 2, true, function (err, inventory){ if (err) { console.log(err); } else { var rec = inventory.filter(function (item) { return item.name == "Reclaimed Metal" }); var ref = inventory.filter(function (item) { return item.name == "Refined Metal" }); var recCount = rec.length; var refCount = ref.length; if (recCount || refCount > 0){ console.log("User can smelt metals"); if(recCount == 0){ for (let i = 0; i < refCount; i++) { tf2.craft([ref[i].id]); } manager.getInventoryContents(440, 2, true, function (err, inventory){ var rec1 = inventory.filter(function (item) { return item.name == "Reclaimed Metal" }); var rec1Count = rec1.length; for (let i = 0; i < rec1Count; i++) { tf2.craft([rec1[i].id]); } }) } else { for (let i = 0; i < recCount; i++) { tf2.craft([rec[i].id]); } } } else { console.log("No metal to smelt"); return; } } }) }
Thanks for the recipe, but i still cannot figure out how to put them all together like McKay said.
//Error Friend message from admin: !ref 3 USER WANT REF { Error: The request is a duplicate and the action has already occurred in the past, ignored this time
How can i put them together? console.log("NO REF"); for (let i = 0; i < scrap.length; i++) { var array = [scrap.id, scrap.id, scrap.id] tf2.craft(array); }
I have a question about where should i put my crafting recipe in the code My code //Show Online client.on('loggedOn', function (details) { console.log("Logged into Steam as " + client.steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()); client.setPersona(1); }); //crafting tf2.on("backpackLoaded", function(craft) { manager.getInventoryContents(440, 2, true, function (err, inventory){ if (err) { console.log(err); } else { var scrap = inventory.filter(function (item) { return item.name == "Scrap Metal" }); var reclaimed = inventory.filter(function (item) { return item.name == "Reclaimed Metal" }); var refined = inventory.filter(function (item) { return item.name == "Refined Metal" }); if (refined.length < 1){ console.log("NO REF"); for (let i = 0; i < reclaimed.length; i++) { tf2.craft([reclaimed[i].id]); //where should i put my recipe in? } } } }); }) https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/1416-tf2-crafting-recipe/?hl=recipe I tried this code, yes it crafted me some metals, but i want refined metal while it gave me scrap from reclaimed metals. So how can i change my recipe in order to get what i needed? Btw Happy New Year McKay
Sorry i don't understand how to use it. Is there any examples in Github or somewhere?
Thanks, also is there a way to get the profile name of someone using steamID?
Quote the whole thing like this give error Unknown SteamID input format "g:1:26823824" client.inviteToGroup(steamID, ["g:1:26823824"]);And Quote the id like this client.inviteToGroup(steamID, [g:1:"26823824"]); doesnt work too
Hmm I followed that but this error happens client.inviteToGroup(steamID, [g:1:26823824]); Unexpected token :
Problem solved
ERROR "uri": "https://steamcommunity.com/inventory/" + userID. getSteamID64() + "/" + appID + "/" + contextID, ^ TypeError: Cannot read property 'getSteamID64' of null My code function sendRec(steamID, amount){ if (!amount) { var amount = 1; } if (amount == 0) { console.log("User didn't provide a correct amount!"); return; } manager.getUserInventoryContents(steamID, 440, 2, true, function (err, inventory){ if (err) { console.log(err); } else { var scrap = inventory.filter(function (item) { return item.name == "Scrap Metal" }); var refined = inventory.filter(function (item) { return item.name == "Refined Metal" }); var NeededS = amount * 3 var NeededR = amount / 3 if (scrap.length === 0 && refined.length === 0){ client.chatMessage(steamID, "It seems you don't have enough scrap."); return; } else if (amount > NeededS && amount > NeededR) { client.chatMessage(steamID, "You don't have enough scrap. You'll need " + left + " more scrap metals."); return; } else if (amount <= NeededS || amount <= NeededR) { manager.getInventoryContents(440, 2, true, function (err, inventory){ if (err) { console.log(err); } else { var pool = inventory.filter(function (item) { return item.name == "Reclaimed Metal" }); // Let the user know we don't have any if (pool.length === 0) { client.chatMessage(steamID, "I don't have available. Sorry!"); return; } else if (amount > pool.length) { console.log("User asked for more than my backpack."); client.chatMessage(steamID, "I only have " + pool.length + " available. Sorry!"); return; } else if (amount <= pool.length) { // Start a new trade offer var trade = manager.createOffer(steamID); // Add what we should to the current trade console.log("Adding " + amount + " rec."); if (scrap.length < NeededS) { if (Number.isInteger(NeededR) == false){ return; } else { console.log("User doesn't have enough scrap. Sending REF OFFER!!"); //USER ITEMS for (let i = 0; i < NeededR; i++) { trade.addTheirItem(refined[i]); } //BOT ITEMS for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++) { trade.addMyItem(pool[i]); } } } else { console.log("User have enough scrap. Sending SCRAP OFFER!!"); //USER ITEMS for (let i = 0; i < NeededS; i++) { trade.addTheirItem(scrap[i]); } //BOT ITEMS for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++) { trade.addMyItem(pool[i]); } } trade.setMessage("Here is your " + amount + " reclaimed metals"); trade.send(function(err, status) { if (err) { console.log(err); return; } else if (status == 'pending') { console.log("Offer " + trade.id + "have been sent."); community.startConfirmationChecker(15 * 1000, config.identity); client.chatMessage(steamID, "Processing."); client.chatMessage(steamID, "Offer Sent!! Check your trade offer by here https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/" + trade.id + "/."); } }); } } }); } } }) }
What is the group steam id in the inviteToGroup https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#invitetogroupusersteamid-groupsteamid There is two ID, the 64 ones and the id obtain by steam group edit page. What should i put in there?? EDIT 1: Also is there a way to get the profile name of someone using steamID?
Found the problem Thanks McKay