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Everything posted by OmG3r

  1. there it's, I was missing sessionid
  2. What cookies names should we add to a session in order to be considered as logged-in ??
  3. technically doing it just by using 'http://steam.tools/cards/'is impossible, however you can get the games IDs then parse 'https://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?inventorygame-appid-[GAME_APPID_HERE]' and save the cards from there. this an example implementation, in ruby
  4. I have read this polling.js however I didn't understand how does it function from the core (trying to port it to another languge) my issue, is node-steam-tradeoffer-manager constantly sending requests HTTP to steam API in order to retrieve trade status (which sounds reaaaallllly inefficient) ? or there is a way to actually ask steam to send us data once a trade has been updated ( like a socket or something) ? if it's HTTP based, I know how to implement it but if it's socket based please can you provide links to resources which I can read to properly understand how to use it/explain it
  5. I was trying to send a steam offer using a different language and I ported your code "http://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/blob/master/lib/classes/TradeOffer.js#L317" while sending my trade offer I receive error 401 and noticed that you intercept such error code and print that your are not logged in if such error occurs, I'd like to ask what is the cause of this error, and how to avoid it (what cookies are necessary, in my code I loaded all the cookies a person can obtain from logging to "http://steamcommunity.com" )
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