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    4049_1572836826 got a reaction from dangercoder in how to create a big amount of steam bot accounts + deposit $5?   
    This is against steam ToS

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    4049_1572836826 got a reaction from Akaz in How to redeem promotional free games?   
    Hey, I also tried adding a free license through the steam store but it keeps returning me an error  Malformed response

    steamStore.steamID contains the correct ID

    subId get from working (200) request, response is empty

    Any Help ?

    Im try "manual" request : and this working 
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    4049_1572836826 got a reaction from PREFIRE in MailGuard spontaneous activation   
    Mail guard is activated after the first steam-user / steam app logOn, this refresh_token is only for web uses.
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    4049_1572836826 got a reaction from UntitledUser in Non-working cookies   
    Browser script:
    document.cookie = 'steamLoginSecure=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; expires=Fri, 02 Jun 2023 10:14:12 GMT; path=/';  
    Node script with steam-session
    log(`Generating cookie: ${token}`, 'info', 'steam-session', true, id) const session = new LoginSession(EAuthTokenPlatformType.WebBrowser) session.refreshToken = token const cookie = await session.getWebCookies() log(`Cookie: ${cookie}`, 'info', 'steam-session', true, id)
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    4049_1572836826 got a reaction from nan4k7 in steamLoginSecure update   
    Use steam-session > login > store refresh token (exp ~200d) > and regenerate cookie when you need it with same module > setup with setcookies in the browser 
  6. Thanks
    4049_1572836826 got a reaction from That Guy From 199x in steam store check if appid still exists or not   
    const storeRes = await fetch(`https://store.steampowered.com/app/${game.appId}`) if (storeRes.url === 'https://store.steampowered.com/') game.storeRemoved = true  
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    4049_1572836826 got a reaction from AshIgorash in How can my account data be leaked.   
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Session_hijacking , insecure Wi-Fi, Free VPN, extension with backdoors, etc...

    Items under 1€ are without confirmation.
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    4049_1572836826 got a reaction from SENPAY98K in How to find download size of a game / find depots belonging to a game   
    Try call getProduct after emmit loggedOn see my code

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    4049_1572836826 reacted to Dr. McKay in steam store access_token   
    It's possible now.
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    4049_1572836826 reacted to Dr. McKay in steam store access_token   
    You might be able to use an access token generated by steam-session for those APIs.
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    4049_1572836826 got a reaction from What Comes Around in I'm getting a weird error   
    proxy issue see tunnel-agent ECONNRESET
    wrong configuration or typo in proxy variable
  12. Thanks
    4049_1572836826 reacted to Dr. McKay in RefreshToken vs loginKey vs password   
    No, web cookies are shorter-lived than that. But you can always get new cookies if you still have a valid refresh token. For example:
    let session = new LoginSession(EAuthTokenPlatformType.WebBrowser); session.refreshToken = getMyRefreshTokenFromDatabaseOrWhatever(); let cookies = await session.getWebCookies();  
  13. Thanks
    4049_1572836826 reacted to Dr. McKay in steam-session invalidParam   
    Fixed in v0.0.4
  14. Thanks
    4049_1572836826 reacted to Dr. McKay in steam-sessions remarks   
    Proxy support is already in progress.
    The error event is only for errors encountered while polling. If your credentials are wrong, then the startWithCredentials promise will be rejected.
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    4049_1572836826 got a reaction from Dr. McKay in VAC/Penalization events   
    Vac :  https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#vacbans

  16. Thanks
    4049_1572836826 reacted to Dr. McKay in RefreshToken vs loginKey vs password   
    loginKeys are irrelevant if you're using a refresh token. If you have a refresh token, always use it.
    A refresh token is valid for 200 days, and once it expires you'll need to login again.
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