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  1. Is this syntax unusable due to yesterday's Steam regulations? is there any other way to check the code?
  2. How can i get name & price, with '/store' steam cmd ? Is syntax available?
  3. Can we create bot with automaticaly redeem steam wallet code if author is send message?
  4. I want to create bot with automatic sending spesific trading card with spesific input //the conversation A: !badges 570 2 BOT: Sending 2sets of Dota 2 A: !badges 440 5 BOT: Sending 5sets of Team Fortress 2 //my spesific input ... client.on("friendMessage", function(steamID, message) { var msg; if (steamID == account.owner){ ... else if (msg = message.match(/^!badges(\d+) (\d+))) { var appID = msg[1]; var count = msg[2]; client.chatMessage(steamID, "..."); } } else{ ... } ... Can anyone help me to get the code?
  5. I am new in node js, i start 2 days ago. Is that possible to create multiple specific input message? steam chat a: hello bot: !mymoney, !checkname [gameid] a: !checkname 440 bot: Team Fortress 2 a: !checkname 570 bot: Dota 2 node.js code ..... client.on("friendMessage", function(steamID, message) { if (message == "!mymoney") { client.chatMessage(steamID, duitgw) } else if (message == "!checkname"){ if (message.line2 == "440"){ //like this ..... } else if (message.line2 == notnumber){ //another condition .... } else if (message.line2 == isnt set){ //another condition .... } } else{ client.chatMessage(steamID, "!mymoney, !checkgame [gameid]") } }); ..... edit: i use comment for highlight
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