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    Akaz reacted to Dr. McKay in Any way to detect trade ban on the account?   
    Using the GetPlayerBans endpoint is going to be your best bet. There's no event for it.
  2. Thanks
    Akaz reacted to 4049_1572836826 in How to redeem promotional free games?   
    Hey, I also tried adding a free license through the steam store but it keeps returning me an error  Malformed response

    steamStore.steamID contains the correct ID

    subId get from working (200) request, response is empty

    Any Help ?

    Im try "manual" request : and this working 
  3. Like
    Akaz reacted to Dr. McKay in Is bypassconfirmation broken for addPhoneNumber?   
    The docs are actually really terrible on this and don't properly explain what this does. It doesn't bypass the need to confirm adding the phone number.
    When you add a number on the Steam UI, sometimes it throws up a warning message but allows you to proceed. I can't think of a case where this happens off-hand, but you used to be able to use VOIP numbers, though you would be warned that using a VOIP number is less secure than a true cell number, but you could click OK and continue. bypassConfirmation is what controls whether these errors come through to your Node app (false = fail with those errors, true = ignore them).
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    Akaz reacted to Dr. McKay in Userscript for steam-twofactor-server not working anymore   
    Fixed again, they changed a class name.
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    Akaz reacted to Dr. McKay in Is there a way to activate a viewer pass?   
    Not as far as I'm aware. I'm not super familiar with CS:GO stuff.
  6. Thanks
    Akaz reacted to Dr. McKay in cancelTime used by a different instance that the one creating the offer?   
    Yes, that is instance-linked.
  7. Thanks
    Akaz reacted to Dr. McKay in Userscript for steam-twofactor-server not working anymore   
    It's fixed now.
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    Akaz reacted to Dr. McKay in Cookies die every time ASF do RefreshSession()   
    No, you can't run the same account under multiple processes without bad things like that happening.
    You can use steamstore to get your wallet balance: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamstore#getwalletbalancecallback
  9. Like
    Akaz got a reaction from Dr. McKay in How to redeem promotional free games?   
    Thanks, I didn't knew this module
    I'll have a look 
    Edit : Thanks, that's what I was looking for 
  10. Thanks
    Akaz reacted to Dr. McKay in How to redeem promotional free games?   
    Yes, promotional free licenses are not the same as free-on-demand licenses. Those have to be added through the store site.
    You can use steamstore's addFreeLicense method to acquire a promotional free license.
  11. Like
    Akaz got a reaction from Dr. McKay in Userscript for steam-twofactor-server not working anymore   
    Wow that was a quick fix, thanks a lot
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