hello there,
i can confirm any trade offer with the offerID property but while confirming a market listing, i get this error:Error: Could not find confirmation for object "id here"
example data:
CConfirmation {
id: '7914986268',
type: 3,
creator: '2846786440405394409',
key: '5826745867538273787',
title: 'Sell - Strange Flying Guillotine',
receiving: '249,98 TL (217,39 TL)',
time: '28 minutes ago',
icon: 'https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/image/fWFc82js0fmoRAP-qOIPu5THSWqfSmTELLqcUywGkijVjZULUrsm1j-9xgEIUxQVYhjuvTlVjdrZAfOeD-VOyNxs48VTjzc7kFl4NrPhZDFiIV2bUaQGWK1v9124WiYzupIzDNS3ofUWJ1vzhdlvNA/32fx32f',
offerID: null
i've tried id, key and none of them worked.