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Everything posted by trzyrazyzero

  1. Hi, after 5 minutes when bots logged in then get error when trying to send offer Error: HTTP error 401. self.steamCommunity.on('sessionExpired', function() { self.steamClient.webLogOn(); }); setInterval(function() { self.steamClient.webLogOn(); }, 1800000); I have this to make sure that bot didint logged out. When i restart bots and they logged in its works again for another 5 minutes and http error 401. Whats wrong?
  2. Hello, how i can bind ip to node-steam-user? I binded to node-steamcommunity, but i still getting RateLimitExceeded.
  3. Two days ago i created 100 accounts, just rellogin after each created and added delay between.
  4. Hi, after autoRetry from TradeOffer#accept sometimes while accepting offer gives error, should i myself try to accept it again or not?
  5. Hi, i think we could use getReceivedItems like this: manager.getReceivedItems('454115964132273087', function(err, items) { });or its possible to use this method knowing only tradeid?
  6. its not related with node-steam-user module
  7. So when event sessionExpired is emitted i should use logOn method or what?
  8. I calling it when event sessionExpired is emitted so whats wrong? bots['community'].on('sessionExpired', function() { bots['client'].webLogOn(); });
  9. Hi, sometimes this happens: Offer #1248497400 changed: CreatedNeedsConfirmation -> Active /home/nodebots/node_modules/steam-user/components/web.js:9 if (this.steamID.type === SteamID.Type.ANON_USER) { ^ TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of null at SteamUser.webLogOn (/home/nodebots/node_modules/steam-user/components/web.js:9:18) at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:224:11) at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:198:5) Whats wrong?
  10. If steam-tradeoffer-manager emit unknownOfferSent event this offer will appear in sentOfferChanged?
  11. If user send items to bot - store them in database then using database you cant send back to user.
  12. You must use confirmation polling, https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/wiki/Steam-Confirmation-Polling#startconfirmationcheckerpollinterval-identitysecret
  13. Hi, i have question about data method. If i apply data before accepting offer and if this offer was escrowed, data will be available after 15 days in receivedOfferChanged? I want to save prices and some informations before accept and read it in receivedOfferChanged.
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